DB Analysis and game assessment
Hi, I've been playing around 38K hands at 10NL, and I would like to analyse my game and somehow make some points.
I picked up poker again after some time, and I 've put some volume just to know where I am at. I was a winning player at 25NL on Full Tilt (!) poker back ago, but that's prehistory 😃
First 10K hands, it was pretty standard, I could play as I always did, and profit 10 buyins total, slow and steady.
Then after that I begin to struggle a little, and I couldn't keep up the win rate, going down then up again as before... But then I started to break even for other 10K hands, and lately last 14K hand it was a real nightmare, a brutal downswing where I couldn't win a pot, bleeding money every opened hands, and when I had most of my big hands crushed, running under allin EV, during this time I also started to make some hero fold, folding sets to donks or even KK pre flop when min 4bet'd by tight fishes or nitty regs in some spots :(
Anyway, here is the graph that sums it all:

My stats after 38K hands:
VPIP: 19, PFR: 14, 3BET PF: 4
WTSD: 25 , WSD: 54, WWFS: 41
Cbet F, T, R: 67,54,51
I always played full ring tables back then as a solid TAG, so I tried adapting to 6max, the only tables available on the sites I play.
I 'm pretty much a straightforward player at 10NL, no bluffs (well just in a few small spots here and there) and no hero calls, maybe I fold too much to the loose aggressive donks > 50 VPIP that of course I'm chasing, but the problem is that these players when they last until they bust, are always running super-hot, and sometimes it's a nightmare playing against them trying to stack em....
They keep firing almost every hand and keep getting over you, in then end when you call them with made premium hands, they usually get lucky at the river with crap like 57s.... Oh, and for what is possibile, I tend to table select a lot, I avoid all the reg tables when possibile and don't sit if there is not at least 1 or 2 player with a VPIP > 30 ...
The latest losing hands by the way are feeling like an awfull disgusting negative variance swing....
Now, do I keep plying or quit ? Is there a way I can assess my game PT4 DB ?
I 'm reviewing my hands, position, and range, but I guess I need someone's else point of view about my game....
2 Replies
Flip the graph and it'll look good.
You're playing far too tight and being far too passive postlop. Aim for high 20s VPIP as a general estimation.
There are ways to assess your game in PT4 but without a understanding of what to look for it will be hard for you to resolve and fix your game.
What PF ranges are you using running 19/14/4?