66 on K47, C-Bet? Call/Raise/Fold?

66 on K47, C-Bet? Call/Raise/Fold?

Hi, I have the following question. The limit is NL5, Microstakes. Is betting and the sizing on the turn fine? I don’t see too many value combinations that would raise on the flop. On a board with two clubs, I think it’s possible that my sizing induced a raise? Is this a standard spot, aside from whether checking would be standard, or am I losing money by folding here? Is a raise possible?

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11 September 2024 at 01:07 AM

4 Replies

Exploitatively if you’re going to cbet flops OOP you want to use a larger size- usually a medium b50-60 type sizing.

I wouldn’t be cbetting a hand this middling though- it’s going to perform better as a x into xc or into block sizes in delay lines. You can cbet a couple of board pairs with a good kicker just to have them in your range so I’d pick something like A4s A7s over your hand to cbet.

For air you can use high card hands with back door draws eg a hand like 98s or A5s here over a hand like this.

Mind you on GG micros though it’s never bad to cbet a bit wider as people tend to fold more raise less than in other populations at times so it’s not a bad cbet necessarily just not the highest ev line.

Thank you a lot!

I don't know if we should be cbetting this flop. There are so many combinations that have us crushed (namely pocket pairs, of which we only beat [22, 33, 55]) and if Villain wants to stab the flop wide with draws we should let them and check call. We have straight draws that can get us out of trouble should we run into sets, but that's not much equity to rely on and we need runner-runner

If we do bet, I think it should be larger, especially as we're out of position and in theory we're looking to charge the draws because I don't see anything worse calling us

Theory says that AXs should be used as a 3-bet preflop by BTN, and though there are fewer combos of KXs (folding K5 for instance but can 3-bet A5), these are usually 3-bet preflop as well and at a higher frequency (a concentration effect of fewer combos in the first place). So I wouldn't imagine this is a bluffy-raise

Also depends on whether players in pool are more likely to call suited AX instead of 3-betting, as GTO suggests

(I don't have the answer to this)

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It's ok but it's mostly a x/c in this situation.
