KQs vs BIG River-Bet, NL5
my Hand here is....
... KdQd
What do you think? Was my flop sizing fine? Bet or check on the turn? And what would you do on the river?

5 Replies
I would bet turn ~ 2/3 pot because I expect them to call with worse (QJ, JJ or lower, JT, hearts...) and almost never bluff raise so when they raise I have an "easy" fold. Plus it allows us to checkback river is we want to.
River I would call, the 8 makes it less likely they have 88 (or 87), they might value bet worse (QJ) or bluff with JT, A4 maybe. Basically you don't need to win every time for the call to be EV+, you have TP good kicker in a 3bet pot and you took a "weak" line
Thank you a lot
I would bet turn something around 18-22bb too and checkback river unless I have a read that villain calls lightly in 3 bet pots
As played I am tempted to call the river because villain could bluff when turn goes chkchk
Sometimes I checkback the flop too and then bet the turn and river (river depends how the hand goes)
I would continue betting on the turn
As played though I am calling the river. As above, the second 8 on the river makes 88 less likely and even then we'd expect that to raise the flop so not really sure what it is they have us beat with except maybe, depending on the opponent, AQ?
You can't fold river now that would be horrible