NL10 - 65s 3bet pot, flop+turn line check
Villain: 24/22 with a 3bet of 19%, hands: 100
Some questions:
1) On preflop should I rather 4bet or fold versus flatting his 3bet?
2) On flop, is my bet okay or should I check behind? What about sizing I thought I might have NUT ADVANTAGE so I chose 1/2 sizing
3) should I bet this turn and represent strength or check behind? If we bet, how much would be good?
Thank you for any feedback!
SB: $5.91 (59.1 bb)
BB: $13.83 (138.3 bb)
MP: $10 (100 bb)
CO: $12.63 (126.3 bb)
Hero (BTN): $20.55 (205.5 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with 5


2 folds, Hero raises to $0.25, SB folds, BB raises to $1.20, Hero calls $0.95
Flop: ($2.45) 6



(2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.25, BB calls $1.25
Turn: ($4.95) 2

(2 players)
BB checks, Hero?
8 Replies
You can go a bit smaller on flop. We're just trying to deny equity/fold out or get value from his overcards. Check turn and try to get to showdown unless you improve to a hand that can beat an overpair
EDIT: as for 4betting I prefer bluffing with hands that have blockers to his value range, Ax etc. SC play better to flat IP.
You can go a bit smaller on flop. We're just trying to deny equity/fold out or get value from his overcards. Check turn and try to get to showdown unless you improve to a hand that can beat an overpair
EDIT: as for 4betting I prefer bluffing with hands that have blockers to his value range, Ax etc. SC play better to flat IP.
sounds good
I did bet the turn and villain check/shoved. I actually called and had 30% equity against AA. But I needed 33% equity so it was a losing call. I dont know why I even called, I somehow got this idea that villain could do this with AK... Well anyway I should have bet bigger on the turn if I am calling or bet smaller if I will fold against a check/raise
I think my 1/2 bet purpose was to size the pot so I can shove all rivers against possible 99-JJ. Dont know if villain would fold QQ
If he's checking overpairs it's not to fold them on most run outs. You have the best hand here a decent chunk of the time, especially if you bet flop a lil' bit smaller. No need to turn it into a bluff.
Probably fold pre. Regs on even much higher stakes under 3bet form BB, so be very tight vs those 3bets.
I like flop bet, you can go bigger or smaller we are ahead of over pairs and if he folds KQ we are find with that too.
I also dont hate to bet turn again, to fold out AK and like a block bet vs AA.
You can go a bit smaller on flop. We're just trying to deny equity/fold out or get value from his overcards. Check turn and try to get to showdown unless you improve to a hand that can beat an overpair
EDIT: as for 4betting I prefer bluffing with hands that have blockers to his value range, Ax etc. SC play better to flat IP.
Probably fold pre. Regs on even much higher stakes under 3bet form BB, so be very tight vs those 3bets.
I like flop bet, you can go bigger or smaller we are ahead of over pairs and if he folds KQ we are find with that too.
I also dont hate to bet turn again, to fold out AK and like a block bet vs AA.
I mostly agree with the above sentiments. Betting here IP on the LLL texture is good and fine as your opponents are likely to very much under x-r you and you have a lot of equity vs. made hands and deny a lot of equity vs. his other holdings. As played on turn facing the x/c I would also mostly just aim to check behind and realize the equity. You're really not trying to get people to fold better hands (over pairs) when you already have a lot of equity and a pair. As played your opponents are not going to be x/j turn with bluffs at any reasonable frequency for you to call off, so as you say in a previous post make sure you're calculating your pot odds and equity vs. something like an over pair in game to make your decision.
With regards to calling vs. the 3-bet preflop, I would agree with Haizem that people are very tight with 3-bets in BB vs BT and you can very much overfold in general. At this sizing (2.5->12) and stack depth (~140) I would call. If it was ~120bb eff I'd say it's very marginal and at 100bb eff it's likely ~0 to -EV. This also assumes you're playing well post flop and not making simple mistakes.
I mostly agree with the above sentiments. Betting here IP on the LLL texture is good and fine as your opponents are likely to very much under x-r you and you have a lot of equity vs. made hands and deny a lot of equity vs. his other holdings. As played on turn facing the x/c I would also mostly just aim to check behind and realize the equity. You're really not trying to get people to fold better hands (over pairs) when you already have a lot of equity and a pair. As played your opponents are not
Probably fold pre. Regs on even much higher stakes under 3bet form BB, so be very tight vs those 3bets.
I like flop bet, you can go bigger or smaller we are ahead of over pairs and if he folds KQ we are find with that too.
I also dont hate to bet turn again, to fold out AK and like a block bet vs AA.
Good stuff! I dont know why I called the jam on the turn. It is rarely a bluff... next tine I have to count to ten before clicking buttons lol