Is it wrong to fold excesively?

Is it wrong to fold excesively?

Is it really a mistake to have a high fold frequency to 3-bet in NL25 FR on PokerStars? at around 75/80% of the time...

NL25 FR is nitland, I mean every regular don't 3B over 4/5 6 tops some of them have higher values let's say 7/8 and you rarely run into player with 3B above 9 (of course there are some) always speaking about regular players.

Taking everything into account should I excesively fold to 3B and limit calls to only hands that can improve and hit big let's say 88 to QQ and only 4B AA/KK/AKs? is this madness? because everytime you call a 3B let's say with a pair and flop hits 249 rainbow you face a small CB and a big bet turn on a blank let's say you have TT/QQ in this spot you are barely winning luckyly you can run eventually into AK or some A high combo but it's still not worth.

I have played over 500K hands on the stake and it's crowded of euronits from poor economy countries (Ukraine, Belarus etc) they can easily make a living of 1K usd a month

opinions? is it extremelly crazy to fold everything?

13 September 2024 at 01:45 AM

11 Replies

I think you need to define whether IP or OOP for a start. OOP our EV goes down being too wide vs nits but IP there are benefits to knowing how narrow V is pre, and if we can choose our aggression properly we are max exploiting them for being so face-up.

Also, most passives are still calling stations. So maximising thin value is also very productive. It's all spot dependent , but knowing they lean towards passivity should be green lights in both directions essentially < - >

First, let us identify if you are looking at the correct stat.

Are you using PT4?

At 25NL FR there aren't that many regs (I mostly play Zoom but when I do play FR that's the limit I play). What I mean is - yes every table has lots of regs on them but their total number is not large. My experience is that, yes there are a lot of bum-hunting Eastern European types who basically hang around hoping to get on a table with some players from Canada/UK/Germany/Ireland etc. A big tell is if you start a table and they jump on but immediately sit out and refuse to play head's up.

Anyway the point is that you should be able to take notes on all of the regs and decide this kind of thing on a case by case basis. If you have 500k hands in your db you're going to have examples of them playing lots of 3bet pots with showdown. Have a look specifically to see what they are 3betting against other regs. Do they have a polarised range? Does their range change when they are OOP vs IP? When they miss with AK/AQ/AJ/KQ what do they do on the flop and turn? Do they give off sizing tells that indicate the strength of their hands?

If you want a one-size fits all approach then yeah just folding when you're OOP with medium strength hands probably isn't going to be a massive error. If you want to do better than that though then you're going to need to do a bit of work on profiling your opponents.

by Brokenstars k

First, let us identify if you are looking at the correct stat.

Are you using PT4?

of course

by QuackPuncher k

of course

There are two stats in PT4 for fold to 3-bet. One is literally called just "fold to 3-bet" and another is called something along the lines of, "fold to 3-bet after raising."

The "fold to 3-bet" includes folds where you did not open... for example, if you're in the BB and BTN RFI's and SB 3-bets and you fold from the BB, then this % would be included in the "fold to 3-bet" stat.

Make sure you're looking at the correct stat as I'm almost certain you're 75-80% value is coming from the wrong one.

by Brokenstars k

There are two stats in PT4 for fold to 3-bet. One is literally called just "fold to 3-bet" and another is called something along the lines of, "fold to 3-bet after raising."

The "fold to 3-bet" includes folds where you did not open... for example, if you're in the BB and BTN RFI's and SB 3-bets and you fold from the BB, then this % would be included in the "fold to 3-bet" stat.

Make sure you're looking at the correct stat as I'm almost certain you're 75-80% value is coming from the wrong one.

Not only I have FtoP3 after raise
but also have this stat by position

80% seems excessively high to me.

by Brokenstars k

80% seems excessively high to me.

Well let's put on some numbers

OR %s

UTG 10%
MP 15%
HJ 20%
CO 25%
BTN 42%
SB 47 %

so far with this said when villains 4/5 3B stat raises you what range would you suggest calling them?

i'd be extremely nit in early positions UTG MP HJ

I would say fold a little more than you "should" but don't overdo it, especially ip. I think most players cbet too much in 3b pots. Personally, I overfold the smaller pairs against 3bets but still call the suited aces and broadways and suited conns. I don't think you want to assume every 3bet is nutted because that isnt true

by Brokenstars k

There are two stats in PT4 for fold to 3-bet. One is literally called just "fold to 3-bet" and another is called something along the lines of, "fold to 3-bet after raising."

The "fold to 3-bet" includes folds where you did not open... for example, if you're in the BB and BTN RFI's and SB 3-bets and you fold from the BB, then this % would be included in the "fold to 3-bet" stat.

Make sure you're looking at the correct stat as I'm almost certain you're 75-80% value is coming from the wrong one.

Aaaaaaahhhh, thanks a lot for this post

I always wondered why I was such a nit, Fold to preflop 3Bet 80%, "what the f..k are other players calling with?!?"

But the 2Bet PF & Fold stat is 60%, which I believe is normal.

★ Recommended Post
by boulgakov k

Aaaaaaahhhh, thanks a lot for this post

I always wondered why I was such a nit, Fold to preflop 3Bet 80%, "what the f..k are other players calling with?!?"

But the 2Bet PF & Fold stat is 60%, which I believe is normal.

I've had *a lot* of students do this.... especially in hand reviews where they are 3-betting complete trash hands under the assumption their opponent is folding 80% to 3-bets.

Also, in HEM the "river call efficiency" stat is not calculated correctly. Many people (including myself and at least one other coach) did not know this was calculated incorrectly. They are not calculated the same between HEM and PT4.
