Why do I suck at NL10Z

Why do I suck at NL10Z

My sample size may be too small but I think I am getting run over at 10NL Zoom on PS.

3.5k hands, -18BB/100. All in adj BB/100 is -21/100 (does this mean I am actually playing worse than I am running?)

Are there any signposts/guides to interpreting my stats and plugging leaks? I have only been using PT4 for c. 2 weeks so still getting to grips with it and building my database.

Thanks in advance for replies and guidance.

15 September 2024 at 06:58 PM

12 Replies

So basically you lost two stacks in a single session.

Sadly I make it more than that.

it's not "too small" it's ridiculously insignificant. 50k hands is too small

I’d advise playing 2z or 5z if you care after so few hands played

Or just stay away from zoom entirely. Your winrate will be lower there than the regular tables, and with lower winrate comes higher variance.

Post hands. Do not be afraid. The path to wisdom is bequeathed with failiure and remorse.

You should try winning more than losing

Thank you all for comments and feedback. Will work on the sample size!

by massivetime k

Thank you all for comments and feedback. Will work on the sample size!

Yeah but post some hands dude, a small sample size won't tell you nothing, but a couple of line checks could already give you a decent picture.

I think zoom has a pretty tough pool and has lots of regs. Maybe try to play normal tables and table select well. And see if you get better results there?

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Check more with your medium/strong hands and you can pick off the bet heavy tendencies of the average 10nl player. They love to bet for "protection" ie if you check and they have a pair they think "ok I can win this pot if I bet" so they tend to bet way more often than they should
