BB vs SB 3bet AKs paired flop

BB vs SB 3bet AKs paired flop

- is flop betsize wrong? Should I bet bigger? X?

- What can I do on turns? X/fold?

- Do you call rivers vs B75 when they bet?

16 September 2024 at 06:00 PM

3 Replies

Sizing is ok you can bet even smaller. OTT mostly check this comob is ok to turn into a bluff sometimes because you block KQs and AQ. XC 3/4 river bet is also ok vs right opponent.

I like XC river. It depends how much air they have in their BU 3b calling range. Fishier/wider the player the more relative spew

XJam hands I guess would be KJ and JT without a .

EDIT: ran quick solve and solver has almost no bluffs vs a b75. This could be noise because it mostly OBs or jams as BU, so it might not be calibrating vs the correct range.

Also interesting mostly giving up to a turn stab. I try and stick to GTO when I have no idea in 3bp so I'd run with that without more info

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Also this occurred to me in a dream overnight... there's too much Qx in BU's turn betting range compared to GTO. People aren't checking back trips as much so their actual betting range is slightly more minted.

So i think calling turn is probably even worse, as nitty as it sounds. Paired boards the EV is always concentrated around trips and we're in full BC mode from the start with about as much equity as any other BC. It's definitely chuckable imo.

This also makes x/calling river more appealing though.
