NL5 Quick Poker - AKs on the BTN line check

NL5 Quick Poker - AKs on the BTN line check

BB 40/32, hands: 25

What would be the standard good play here? Just call or 5bet click or JAM?

SB: $7.65 (153 bb)
BB: $5.44 (108.8 bb)
UTG: $4.02 (80.4 bb)
MP: $25.60 (512 bb)
CO: $5 (100 bb)
Hero (BTN): $7.72 (154.4 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with K


UTG folds, MP raises to $0.10, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.50, SB folds, BB raises to $1.20, MP folds, Hero?

19 September 2024 at 11:31 AM

13 Replies

Your initial 3bet size is too small, when the opener goes 2bb you should go to 7bb at least (in GTO land, and I see no reason to deviate).

I would just 4bet to $2.6, you don't mind if they call since you have position and you don't mind if they shove since you will have an easy call.

This spot is full of variance maybe, but it's not "tough" in my opinion.

by boulgakov k

Your initial 3bet size is too small, when the opener goes 2bb you should go to 7bb at least (in GTO land, and I see no reason to deviate).

I would just 4bet to $2.6, you don't mind if they call since you have position and you don't mind if they shove since you will have an easy call.

This spot is full of variance maybe, but it's not "tough" in my opinion.

It is NL5 so I actually go for 10bb. And yeah I was thinking too that I either click it back or shove. Unless villain would be 8/8 MEGANIT

Also one more question. If I click it back to 2.6 and villain calls. I guess I cant fold anymore on the flop?

Nevermind, I misread the hand ! I thought it was NL10 and BB 4bet was 12bb, but in fact it's 24bb. OK, diregard my previous post entirely sorry.

The 3bet size 10bb vs 4bb open is OK I guess!

When you get cold 4bet, in a normal setting AKs is always a shove, because in theory BB could have AQs, KQs, JJ etc... But here considering:
- the very big 4bb open & the following very big 3bet to 10bb
- the microstakes environment where I doubt people implement GTO cold 4bet ranges anyway in the first place
-> it is very possible BB cold 4bet range is AA/KK only here

I would fold, as weaktight as it seems.

by boulgakov k

Nevermind, I misread the hand !

The 3bet size 10bb vs 4bb open is OK I guess!

You double misread, it's 2bb to 10bb.

And imo its too large I would 3B to 7bb.
Call or All-in both option are fine imo, clickback is just silly.

by DeeKayBee k

You double misread

Oops, 10/5 is hard

Call or jam are probably both fine. minraise is kind of weird.

Thank you for the responses. I did jam and villain snap called with AA this time. I just wanted to be sure that I am not jamming AKs preflop too loosely

by Slasher- k

Thank you for the responses. I did jam and villain snap called with AA this time. I just wanted to be sure that I am not jamming AKs preflop too loosely

I would call 100% of the time with AKs. Many times you see people cold call the 3b from bb with QQ JJ AK or sometimes they just shove AK. Usually you are up against KK or AA here when they 4b but for the sake of not knowing for sure I call. You have position and there are zero flops that will be hard to play

I would assume the cold 4-bet to be pretty nutted in low stakes games. In game I call but it's probably just a fold. If we just call, the SPR will be <2 and in the long-run we're getting wrecked post flop.

If we call, we're hoping he has QQ-JJ and AK, but if he has those hands he probably just cold calls. And if he has those, then jam is much better as we're leveraging some fold equity and realizing our preflop equity which is > looking to hit a flop vs. a dominating range where we do a lot of folding.

Good points Gentlemen!

I feel that some regs will 4bet bluff from the blinds if they see that CO opens and BTN 3bets and probably both of their ranges are quite loose.

CO opens loose, BTN 3bets loose

by Slasher- k

I feel that some regs will 4bet bluff from the blinds if they see that CO opens and BTN 3bets and probably both of their ranges are quite loose.

CO opens loose, BTN 3bets loose

Of course this is absolutely normal in theory, you need to 4bet AJs otherwise you never get action when you have KK+. However in my opinion and experience at microstakes ppl under cold-4 bet *a lot*, which means you can overfold a lot (and don't give them action with their KK+)

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by boulgakov k

Of course this is absolutely normal in theory, you need to 4bet AJs otherwise you never get action when you have KK+. However in my opinion and experience at microstakes ppl under cold-4 bet *a lot*, which means you can overfold a lot (and don't give them action with their KK+)

Yeah that is probably true.

What if the situation would be that CO opens and Hero 3bets AKs from BTN. CO 4bets. Should I overfold here too? My first instinct would be to call or JAM to collect the dead money
