Could i be a actuall crusher? Winning at 30,5BB/100 while multitabeling 9xtables
Hi, i started with $50 14th august last month playing 9max antes cash games on GG.
When i reached $109 i moved up from $4 to $10 tables and ive played 21376 hands in this stake: 0.02/0.05 (0.02) so evryone pays sb in antes each hand and max buy inn gives 200BB.
Math: my BR now is $436 so, 436-109 is 327
327 divided by 0.05 is 6540 then 6540 divided by hands played(21376) = 0,305951 x100 =30.5
I learned poker from my dad when i was 6 years old(30 years ago) played alot of homegames with friends when growing up and been casually playing tournaments on and off for years but never any major wins even if i shipped a bunch of small tournaments(never followed a strict BR management)
Allso been watching thousands of hours of streams and pro play and played thusands of tournaments online. But i never study and there are many poker therms im not familiar with but i play on instinct/gut feeling and autopiloting with all the thousands of hours of pro games watched in the back of my mind as memory helping me make right decisions.
Ill add a picture or my graph and table position stats to show:

I reacently learned that above 10bb/100 is exelent winnings in cash games and that is allredy close to beeing a crusher? Im really looking forward to moving up to $25 tables.
With my 30.5bb/100 winrate how soon can i move up to $25 tables? Feeling like i should first breach over $500 BR and maybe even closer to $750?
Thoughts of the chanses of me beeing a natural crusher?
15 Replies
From what you posted, it’s way too early to tell. 21K hands is a tiny sample and it looks like you haven’t had any real downswings yet.
I think it's very very likely you're beating that game but it's still far too early to say what your long term winrate will be. At some point you're going to run worse than you ever thought possible. How you deal with that will be important to your overall success.
And when I say that I don't just mean tilting. The worse types of runbad can scar you mentally and actually make you worse at poker.
Keep playing and see - no one can tell you anything except congrats so far
I think it's very very likely you're beating that game but it's still far too early to say what your long term winrate will be. At some point you're going to run worse than you ever thought possible. How you deal with that will be important to your overall success.
And when I say that I don't just mean tilting. The worse types of runbad can scar you mentally and actually make you worse at poker.
The first line in the W pattern was pretty brutal but i did some adjustments and allso took some time off before coming back with determination. And now today im down 4buy inns after like 2000 hands. Loosing with monster hands is sad but happens, wife is going to workout now so going for third session of the day now to proove this fukkers why im ar the tables 😀
You WR mostly depends on how bad your opponents are, also 200bb game with ante the size of SB will have huge variance, so you will have bigger swings then standard 100bb NL without ante.
You WR mostly depends on how bad your opponents are, also 200bb game with ante the size of SB will have huge variance, so you will have bigger swings then standard 100bb NL without ante.
The rake is inzane now. Again i run bad, just had another session 1K+ hands start of earlt big pot with KK i get it in in good KK vs JJ all inn on flop 994 i bet big he jams i call on flop. But J on turn and river for his Quads, then 3way qll inn, this tilta my KK hand on other table where i loose all inn to A4 he made full house then just after 3 way all inn on other table, dream flop for my AK suit i flatted a 4bet 3way, flop is 49J 2 spades to match my AK of spades, i get rekt the flush on the river but the JJ guy made Quads on turn… so 2 hands fast lost va quads JJ.
I fight long time and after abit over 1K hands
Ev chart says im only
Down 5 dollars of the session but bevayse of rake im still down like 23bucks? Lol
Edit: positive is im nr 6 on the daily leaderboard for some
Dollars and build a huge stack for the ggcares all inn flipout tournament tomorrow from the badbeats and big pots. 115bb stack so faar and thats allmost gtd a min price 15-20 dollars but can allso win much more if lucky 😀 and closing in on rakeback deal: 8,5K of 12K points for spin wheel rakeback up to max 60dollars
The rake is inzane now. Again i run bad, just had another session 1K+ hands start of earlt big pot with KK i get it in in good KK vs JJ all inn on flop 994 i bet big he jams i call on flop. But J on turn and river for his Quads, then 3way qll inn, this tilta my KK hand on other table where i loose all inn to A4 he made full house then just after 3 way all inn on other table, dream flop for my AK suit i flatted a 4bet 3way, flop is 49J 2 spades to match my AK of spades, i get rekt the flush on th
and so it begins........
Yes. Down 6,5buy today, i lost 7 times with KK (3 of them was over 400+bb pots) those 3 hands is 6 buy inns lol…Atleast i have over 130 something big blinds for the ggcaresallinnflipoit tournament ans looking to get to get 10dollars from daily leaderboard
Good. Now it's time to start really improving. You should post those KK hands in this forum and find out if you're playing them badly, errors in thought process etc.
If you can maintain 10bb/100 in 100k hands I would say you are crushing that stake!
Yes maybe i should do that. But i took a stabb at 0.05/0.10 (0.05) today and won a couple buy inns there. But i made one mistake there: is this allways a fold in this spot?

I made a post with the KK hands in this category now 😀 Kinda embarresing to see how bad most of those hanss where played, tbh i was abit tilted last night xD
the post with KK acidently got posted in cash game live strategy but I just made a post from 16 hands from a small session I just did at the next stake $20 9max Ante cash games:
Any advice and tips is really appreciated <3