Trying to win at NL2

Trying to win at NL2

First time posting on this forum now since I am actively trying to improve. I don't want to punch above my weight and as such I have decided to start from NL2. I've only played roughly 6k hands thus far (low sample size I know) since taking the game seriously and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for improvement. I am pretty much breakeven at this time.

26 September 2024 at 05:25 PM

4 Replies

I would read a book (online or real) which concentrates how to beat micro stakes. And also lot of free content on youtube. I can recommend Carrot Poker. Lots of good videos

Also Blackrain79 has good stuff regarding how to beat micros

I appreciate the response. I have followed BR79 for a long time and have learnt a fair bit from him. I find his strategies very useful when playing against large amounts of recreational players but when I go against more combative opponents that are more knowledgeable of balancing, frequencies etc. it can often be very difficult for me to know what to do. The big pots are normally coolers so they generally play themselves but it's those small pots and awkward spots that hammer my winrate downwards a fair bit I would imagine.

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I would do a search for 'easy game pdf' and read that. Some bits are a little bit dated now but it's a great introduction.
