Bootstrapped BRC for grinder in exile

Bootstrapped BRC for grinder in exile

I poured a free beer for my future wife last night and I think I'm about to get fired for it.

So with 7 days out to my next job lets load our last 75 on Global (a site I have already torched 3 small rolls with), and earn +20bb/100 over 100k hands.

There's a huge 1/3 home game near where I am with near extinct species of fish present (showdowns in 3bet/4b pots containing K4o, J3o, 86o calling river shoves) and I think I can crack it with around 4-6 buy ins (running theme I know). So lets turn 750bb into 120,000 and swallow our pride with the reg battling because the only way this works is:

Cruel and Unusual Table Selection. (find and exploit the biggest fish)

Boring AF Preflop ranges

I will expand on this topic when my roll isn't so fragile, basically I'm only playing hands that are winning .2-.5bb/100 from their respective positions. Normally I would widen my range to include many 0EV hands against opponents who are spewing money but we can't yet. UTGopen: AQo+, TT+, A9/KTs+, if my memory serves, basically a 8-12% opening range until the button, will hopefully prevent myself from being over-exploited by leveraging my tight image for bluffs against the regs, and being a slightly too tight tag is the way to beat these micros IMO. Also with table Selection I think I can avoid more perceptive opponents in the early days.

Study 50 : 50 Play
Considerable difference in my edge when I slack off on study, whether its practice hands in Wizard, looking at Compare EV spots or even just creating exploits for the pool for next session.
(don't have nodelocking cause poor)

Quality of Play controls
I suck at multi tabling in general. 1 table is far too slow, 2tabling seems to be the sweet spot for me for both exploit observations and execution. Stop loss at 2 buy ins. Stop win at 200bb because I suck at Poker past 200 bigs.

My goal right now is to be the best cash player of all time. I'm very studied and familiar for someone who plays as bad as I do, many mental blocks and BRM issues. Can't hit fold sometimes you know? But over the small sample I've played since discovering global I've realized this game is very beatable.

I know every bit of this to you lowstakes and midstakes crushers is laughable. First I'm gonna crush Global's 10NL, then 20NL, then this home game. Then I'm coming for you.

My name is Ivar, and I'm going to be the best cash game player of all time, online or live, once I patch up these leaks (they are caverns, abysses).

I would also like to open up this thread to any exploitative/GTO discussion. I will be theory posting and discussing sessions along the way, for now I'm about to go to work for probably the last time.
I'll take any and all advice/criticism, especially if you are on a similar grind, consider this the place we'll theorycraft a strategy for any table,(the most exciting part about NLHE)

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29 September 2024 at 07:24 PM

9 Replies

Honestly you'd be better off smoking some DMT


I did not lose the job, but I did load 20 onto Global.

So far that’s at 42 over not even 200 hands, BR was down to 50 bigs at one point.

Got it all in w/pair+flush draw 5 times and bricked every time.

Crawled back up. Race to 1200!
Hand histories incoming

Too tired to play anymore today but good results over the past two days.

BR started at 42 now at 67.

Goal was to hit 100 by tonight, most of the profits were from major pots, definitely loosened up A LOT from the initial preflop strategy:

Make mistakes most notably in not check raising flop enough, and calling too wide flop enough, insensitivity to bet sizing in early streets (any size bet under 1$ is ineffective for generating a lot of folds)
Calling 3bets super wide.
Still pick lots of bluffs but you have to be careful about it.
Value is king down here I’m finding more profit from check calling down combo draws, because they always pay it off anyway.
I need to remember that tomorrow I’m off so hopefully we can just value grind to death.
Can’t really relax until its at 200, buying in for 50 bigs at a time comes with its own downsides I think my edge is greatest at 100 bigs but for now I’m short stacking.

They never bluff! Which is good because now I can without doubt fold almost any river bluff catch. Outside of an obviously fishy bet in a 3BP with AKo on J74Q2r, I’ve been burned every time I make a semi-standard bluff catch.

Unfortunately break even about halfway through the day. Better than bust, 68 in the roll, 32 until we reach a comfortable 20(50bb) buy ins. Running poorly overall, but my redline is doing very well. People cap their ranges or over continue and it shows.

BR at 120

turns out I'm pretty good at SNGs too, won 4 5.5s in a row, put me at break even after a bad downswing.


I've played 3000 hands
1000bb over 3000 hands = 33bbs/100 hands

BR at 160

If you see me as Iver in here or SKVKING, they're interchangeable

Gl mate.

You should prob ask a mod to move this to the goals and challenges section lol

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Mods you have my permission to change this to that thread.

In other news down 1100BB played for 7 hours trying to get unstuck and tilting harder. No matter if I can do it with 20 I can do it better with 50, but something in my gameplay was awful today. Controlled the spew poorly the entire day.

Tomorrow we’re tightening way tf up.
