[MICRO] KQs River Bluffcatch or Bluffjam or Fold?

[MICRO] KQs River Bluffcatch or Bluffjam or Fold?

my hand in this spot is KdQd. I was wondering if I should have bluff-caught on the river or if the all-in jam was the right play. I find his line quite strange, but I was worried he might have an ace with a weak kicker and could have me beat, so I jammed to make him fold it. Or do you think i should fold to his raise? What do you think?

01 October 2024 at 10:04 PM

1 Reply

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Small river bet is going to induce a wider bluffing range, and you have a good bluff catcher. I don't hate the shove, just unsure in terms of EV if call > shove. Without a read, I'd like to see what solver world says here.
