[MICRO] Facing a Pot Size Bet with AQ Top Two Pair on the River

[MICRO] Facing a Pot Size Bet with AQ Top Two Pair on the River

Hello, my hand in this spot is AdQd – what do you think, is it a call or a fold on the river? Any other thoughts about this hand?

02 October 2024 at 05:26 PM

5 Replies

Good river so call

Would fold as this line is very under bluffed and the river sizing plus 3BW data point makes it even more under bluffed.

I would raise turn, this small sizing really looks either like thin value or draw trying to get cheap river. Probably fold river

Tough hand. I would consider folding unless I have seen that villain plays flush draws aggressively and can blast river too. He probably has AJ,22,KT in this spot a lot too.

Edit: his turn bet looks weak though which could be a flush draw. HARD HAND!

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Raise turn you have top 2 on a drawy board and villain can have A2 AJ fd etc so just raise and stack off if he shoves, assuming you are 100bb deep. Villain never sizes 22 or KT like this on turn imo so I'd be pretty confident
