folding a set in a 3bet pot
Hey everyone! Just wanted to get your thoughts on a fold in 5NL. Feel free to give advice but please be respectful, I am a relatively new player trying to beat 5NL. Looking back, I probably should have continued on flop since i had a betting lead and maybe just overbet all in turn. Figured board was dry enough to let him see another card potentially for free, but I guess that might be a bad idea?

7 Replies
Figured he might have nut flush with AKcc or maybe sometimes AJcc, sometimes a better set with QQ/TT and air the rest of the time, but probably very rarely. Also seemed like a solid player, vpip around 20, 3bet 8% or so, but not a huge sample
In game he can jam worse for value imo.
I would bet flop (sometimes they overraise here), then look to x/j turn.
AP sigh calling river given SPR
I would XR flop, turn XR is too small. AP- put small bet otr like 1/4 pot to get some calls form weaker hand
As played I am calling the jam, we beat a lot value hands that can jam. We have to auto snap call if we had 9 of clubs. I still smash call button.
I cant fold sets......
As played just c/jam turn. Or raise to some ridiculous size like 2,5$++. Many players overvalue straight/flushdraws/combodraws on turn, even regs. He could also have the sucker set with 22-55.
Even some random hands like JJ or TJ-AT could call a jam depending on how bad the player is.