Overbet on a dry board???

Overbet on a dry board???

6-max GTOwizard solver 150 BB effective:
HJ raised 2.5x
SB call
BB raises 12BB
HJ fold
SB call
Flop QhQs5s
SB x
BB ??
Why does the solver like that big of sizing on such a dry board???

05 October 2024 at 07:29 AM

3 Replies

It'll boil down to nut advantage and equity realisation/denial. SB, or whatever GTOw will have in this rare spot, is going to interact poorly with this flop and our range prints with Qx and OPs.

It's borderline solver noise anyway at 1.5%. You could reach a similar conclusion (board = bet) just thinking about ranges. Why does it spread out like this? Idk. it's probably all the same EV

size has very little to do with dryness, its more to do with range asymetry

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This is a weird scenario which really shouldn't happen (preflop), so you're going to get weird solutions postflop.
