... what can he have? ...
I felt like throwing the bus at his line on this runout. Does it make sense?
BTN: 222.8 BB
Hero (SB): 102.8 BB
BB: 100 BB
UTG: 121.2 BB
MP: 312.4 BB
CO: 146.8 BB
Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A♠ 9♣
fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (6 BB, 2 players) 7♣ 4♥ 2♠
Hero checks, BB bets 1.8 BB, Hero calls 1.8 BB
Turn: (9.6 BB, 2 players) J♥
Hero checks, BB bets 6.8 BB, Hero raises to 20.4 BB, BB calls 13.6 BB
River: (50.4 BB, 2 players) J♠
Hero bets 77.6 BB and is all-in
14 Replies
You probably had the best hand if he folded but just call turn imo. B30-B-B is over stabbed.
Not good.
These random huge bluffs in bad spots can really eat up a lot of your WR. Lets say you make -20bb bluff once every 2k hands that is 1bb/100! There are spots where big bluffs print but spot where he needs to fold some trips is not one of those.
Random and spewy imo. Hope he folded...
In other news, congratulations on Pooh-Bah title.
These hands are annoying - I think turn is pretty much neutral ev between call or fold .
Huzzah!! wait, you're saying i'm old?!
Ok, I sense there is some negative fb and I hear it but I'm going to try and defend this one.
- I think river is no-brainer shove after XR turn (i.e. shove EV > x or x/c EV). I don't expect half his range to be Jx here, that's assuming a level of competence that almost never exists @ micros. Yes we beat some hands if it goes x/x but we lose a fair amount too vs pair + draw type hands and any air he wants to fire and x/c is awful.
- I think if there is a problem it's the turn. But my turn logic is, as titled, what does he have? High turn on dry board after flop b30 seems like a plum opportunity to increase XR range dramatically. Maybe they don't fold enough but if we can sniff out best rivers to jam it gets better? I probably do need to call down lighter B-B-B but idk, doodoo are you saying we def should here vs
- Another problem I find RE: blind battles is looking up GTO is pracitcally an exercise in futility. Nobody plays anything like it. . Thus any serious discussion should revolve around carefully constructed toy games imo. Which are usually a faff and quite speculative themselves.
As to being random/annoying well duh tis the point lol. But i promise you it's not random. To me IP's misplaying vast swathes of its range so we should be deviating like a twat.
I would guess IP's range is something like 25% Jx, then 75% ♥ draws, straight draws, pair + straight draws and 7x, 88s, 99s, sometimes (rarely) TT.
Checked out this spot a little more and the overcard OTT is a good data point in that it is weaker than normal but it's underfolded vs a XR compared to overall.
You don't want to turn Ace high into bluffs in wide range spots, we can just call if we know they are over bluffing. You do want to turn Ace high into bluffs in tight range spots but unfortunately this is not one of them.
But I appreciate the hand creativity.
Some MDA:
Turn folding frequencies vs BB B-B

Bonus MDA: Good spots to turn air into bluffs:
Flush complete turn

Any turned pair on the board

Cheers for the data doodo!
>50% means in general green light, but you're saying it's still overcalled so Ax overreaching?
Cheers for the data doodo!
>50% means in general green light, but you're saying it's still overcalled so Ax overreaching?
It's not super clear because we don't know the sizing used for the XR but to be safe I always make sure the filtered spot has higher folding frequencies than the aggregate.
Yeah the overcard OTT filter on a low board is weirdly bluffed more but also called more.
The turn paired middle is a sick spot to XR, I will have to start doing that as well. Thanks for the hand!
This is B50-B70 data (I don't have B30-B70 data for filtered) so I assume the B30 will be weaker and even folded more.
Sound. I’m still trying to figure out h2n filters but I did just uncover some ancient hands from me as 2nl fish taking this BB b30-B line with random.
Huzzah!! wait, you're saying i'm old?!
Ok, I sense there is some negative fb and I hear it but I'm going to try and defend this one.
- I think river is no-brainer shove after XR turn (i.e. shove EV > x or x/c EV). I don't expect half his range to be Jx here, that's assuming a level of competence that almost never exists @ micros. Yes we beat some hands if it goes x/x but we lose a fair amount too vs pair + draw type hands and any air he wants to fire and x/c is awful.
- I think if there is a pr
I think the feedback is not so much negative as wondering why this hand?
You may as well title the thread "is this a good spot to c/r rly wide?"
because having the A9o specifically, doesn't make too much sense
I think the feedback is not so much negative as wondering why this hand?
You may as well title the thread "is this a good spot to c/r rly wide?"
because having the A9o specifically, doesn't make too much sense
This is outdated theory tbh mate
You can node lock any solve and in many siutations where villain is playing face up or too off-script GTO will adapt by using all hand categories. Is very often the correct/best exploit with the data at hand.
Granted some spots we should stick to pure gto because people play on the rails, but when they're off-piste... then we pounce with A9o