Am I doing well at 25NL?

Am I doing well at 25NL?

Hello, I've only played close to 12k hands at 25NL. I played 5NL on Bovada / Ignition on and off for years and dipped my toes into 10NL and 25NL. I had always wanted to move up stakes but never took the game seriously when it came to studying because of its learning curve when it comes to theory and interpreting solvers. However, I finally decided to take shots at 25NL, even though I still lack a theoretical understanding of poker in general. I play a more conservative game, focusing on exploiting recreational players and only battling against regulars when necessary.

I am looking for feedback to improve. How is my graph? How should I adjust to exploit certain players? What books, sites, etc., should I look into to learn poker theory and understand solvers? My preflop skills are good, but I have trouble with post-flop play. Also, my adjusted all-in EV is significantly lower than my actual winnings because there was a whale at my table going all-in with any two cards. I was calling strong pocket pairs and broadways (I'm not sure if this was the correct adjustment). There are two hands I posted KQo and A9o. This table also had an aggro whale (might be the same player as before) who was opening 8bb+ every hand and 3betting ridiculous sizings with any two cards. Whenever he 3-bet I just put him all in with anything decent (not sure how to adjust to this opponent).

15 October 2024 at 11:03 PM

2 Replies

With an aggro whale, do your best to play postflop unless absolutely required by math to get it AI. Don't flip.

★ Recommended Post

You're hemorrhaging massively in non showdown winnings which indicates you could be doing some or all of these things:

Going too far into hands then folding on later streets you should have folded earlier.

Not stabbing enough at pots postflop.

Not cbetting or barreling enough.

Not 3betting enough pre

Folding too much on river in general
