NL25, KK 4bet pot - 130bb deep
Hold'em No Limit - $0.10/$0.25 - 6 players
UTG (Hero): $31.81 (127 bb)
MP: $35.09 (140 bb)
CO: $25.00 (100 bb)
BU: $24.37 (97 bb)
SB: $4.48 (18 bb)
BB: $5.00 (20 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG with K♠ K♣
Hero raises to $0.63, MP 3-bets to $1.84, 4 players fold, Hero 4-bets to $5.75, MP calls $3.91
Flop: ($11.85) 2♠ 7♠ 5♦ (2 players)
Hero bets $4.50, MP calls $4.50
Turn: ($20.85) Q♥ (2 players)
Hero checks, MP checks
River: ($20.85) 4♣ (2 players)
Hero bets $5, MP raises to $24.84 (all-in) ?
(not too meainingful) Info on MP:
GG displays 25 vpip. Never limped. Tagged as tight, but not multiplayer reg. His preflop bet sizings are standard.
On this table he 3bet me beforehand once BTN vs CO, folded to my 4bet.
Flop: I used a sizing small enough to keep his range wide but large enough not to offer too good odds either.
Turn: Only A could have been worse. Was prepared to c/c.
River: Thin vbet to get called by 88-JJ. Small enough to induce a bluff (16,5$ = 66bb left on me).
What do you think of the sizings? Should I have bet turn? Are we happy to call here? Need to be correct 26% times for 0 EV.
Thanks for the feedback in advance!
11 Replies
Bet the turn.
think of it this way: OTF we had an spr of three, some draws missed and the main hand we're scared of is a combo we'd have gotten in with on the flop anyway. Call.
Turn check why exactly? I suspect he would have raised OTF with QQ
Main problem is your turn logic. Hand is more then strong enough to get stacks in. You can check to check/raise if you think he will bet low pp for protection, standard play would be to cbet. River your hand is good enough to jam, you can size down if you think he folds too much but not this small.
Pathetic line. Wtf is thay preflop size. You clearly don't understand poker. If you think you have an edge quit. If you think you don't but are trying to improve get GtO wizard. Betternthan 90% on this forum. If you can't afford then quit
Thank you for all your input!
I called and villain showed 9h8h then lectured me how I should have folded as he could have had any set on board.
MP shows 8♥ 9♥ (high card, Queen)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 22%, Flop: 19%, Turn: 9%, River: 0%)
UTG (Hero) shows K♠ K♣ (a pair of Kings)
(Equity - Pre-Flop: 78%, Flop: 81%, Turn: 91%, River: 100%)
UTG (Hero) wins $61.72
Pathetic line. Wtf is thay preflop size. You clearly don't understand poker. If you think you have an edge quit. If you think you don't but are trying to improve get GtO wizard. Betternthan 90% on this forum. If you can't afford then quit
Special thanks to you for your substantive advice. Fortunately, my edge is high enough over fish to have a positive winrate bumhunting over a large sample.
Hold'em No Limit - $0.10/$0.25 - 6 players
UTG (Hero): $31.81 (127 bb)
MP: $35.09 (140 bb)
CO: $25.00 (100 bb)
BU: $24.37 (97 bb)
SB: $4.48 (18 bb)
BB: $5.00 (20 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero is UTG with K♠ K♣
Hero raises to $0.63, MP 3-bets to $1.84, 4 players fold, Hero 4-bets to $5.75, MP calls $3.91
Flop: ($11.85) 2♠ 7♠ 5♦ (2 players)
Hero bets $4.50, MP calls $4.50
Turn: ($20.85) Q♥ (2 players)
Hero checks, MP checks
Turn: Only A could have been worse. Was prepared to c/c.
Why is the Q a bad enough card to check?
with the caveat that I'm not a experienced player how i play as hero is :
preflop in also happy to 4 bet with KK.
flop bet size I also choose B50 as my preferred bet size here.
I like B75 here also as a second choice that really tells villain I'm serious about winning the pot.
turn card isn't great for me and my hand EV and hand equity is reduced. my relative hand strength is abit reduced and I like to check turn.
I like small river bet and I fold my one pair hand to villains "all in" river bet.
I think I'm behind frequently here with my one pair hand.
Pathetic line. Wtf is thay preflop size. You clearly don't understand poker. If you think you have an edge quit. If you think you don't but are trying to improve get GtO wizard. Betternthan 90% on this forum. If you can't afford then quit
Lol take a chill pill bro