TPTK on a straight flop and bd flush river
Winning Poker, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 5 players
Hand delivered by Pokeit
UTG: $1.78 (89 bb)
CO: $2.06 (103 bb)
BU (Hero): $2.23 (112 bb)
SB: $2.64 (132 bb)
BB: $1.75 (88 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is BTN with J♦ A♠
2 players fold, Hero raises to $0.05, SB 3-bets to $0.22, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.17
Flop: ($0.46) 9♥ J♣ T♣ (2 players)
SB bets $0.15, Hero calls $0.15
Turn: ($0.76) 3♥ (2 players)
SB bets $0.39, Hero calls $0.39
River: ($1.54) T♥ (2 players)
SB bets $1.88 (all-in), Hero?
I think flop is better for my range, so i thought about raising, but decided against it as i wanted flush draws/worse jacks to pay me on the future streets, and im not folding out anything better.
Not sure if i should even continue to the double barrel. I dont block any flush draws, which im mostly ahead of. Not sure if anything worse than two pair is barreling for value. Im basically bluff catching both on the turn and the river as i dont beat any value.
So, should i continue turn and call/fold river here?
9 Replies
I prefer to bluff 4bet AJo in this spot.
You have no advantage on this flop. SB has all the sets, overpairs, and straights.
So, I'd advise not to raise with TP on this flop.
Your hand will likely lose value when it comes to the turn and river, so it's better to choose hands with nuts potential if you're considering a raise.
I'd go for a value raise with Top Two Pair or a set, plus some strong flush and combo draws.
The turn is a blank, and your opponent bets half the pot. This is a good price to see the river card.
There are still a lot of flush draws in your opponent's range that you don't block, and not every NL2 player will dare to bluff a missed FD (which is not a good idea in itself).
So I'm going to call on the turn and fold on the river.
Well played. I think you can decide to call AJo or not based on the suits you have. I would say: Ah is dubious because you want villain to bluff AhQ or AhK. Having Jh though would be great, he never bluffs with a J and you definitely block value.
I think I would end up calling all Jh and folding the others.
Thanks guys.
i called because im a dumbass and the guy seemed very aggressive and bluffy before. He had KsQd
Since then I checked in the solver, as I found the hand was interesting. Actually AJo no heart no club starts folding with some frequency on the flop (!!!), then again at some frequency on the turn. And then on the river the solver prefers calling with KJo rather than AJo : it folds all AJo and call KJo sometimes, and of course having Kh or Jh is better. And you paid to know whyhaving a K is better than having an A 😀
Since then I checked in the solver, as I found the hand was interesting. Actually AJo no heart no club starts folding with some frequency on the flop (!!!), then again at some frequency on the turn. And then on the river the solver prefers calling with KJo rather than AJo : it folds all AJo and call KJo sometimes, and of course having Kh or Jh is better. And you paid to know whyhaving a K is better than having an A 😀
Interesting. I checked w GTO wizard as well after i posted, and it called down w my exact hand most of the time (folding some of the time), albeit at 100bb deep (i dont have other options there).
Still, the calldown is probably only worth it against a solver-level aggression, and most players (esp in micros) probably dont bluff as much.
Indeed, sorry I don't know what I solved previously lol. I'm talking about KJo, which is not even in our preflop range.
This is what GTO+ does on the river with AJo, indeed calling sometimes. But I think most of the time we do not need to mix actions, I agree with you by default at microstakes we can assume villain's line is underbluffed.

Yeah, i think we can agree on that. Thanks for your help!
Interesting to see how with my proposed "heuristic" of calling when we have Jh and folding otherwise we approximate solvers calling frequency with AJo in general. But instead of "I will call roughly 30% and fold 70%" we have a simpler rule "call Jh otherwise fold". The solver just calls a little bit more frequently with Jh.
And I did not want to call Ah, GTO+ doesn't even have it in its range !!! Now I need to run the sim again to understand where it dropped AhJ lol.
The 3rd time will be the last one I hope.
I think Ah probably deviates on the turn having a flush blocker? Flush draws are what we want villain to have, so maybe Ah folds turn.