Deep - Triple Bluff Barrel

Deep - Triple Bluff Barrel

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (CO): 256.2 BB
BTN: 202.2 BB
SB: 198.4 BB
BB: 203.2 BB
UTG: 122.6 BB
UTG+1: 301.4 BB
MP: 82.6 BB

7 players post ante of 0.4 BB, SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 4.2 BB) Hero has 8 K

UTG raises to 2.6 BB, UTG+1 calls 2.6 BB, fold, Hero calls 2.6 BB, fold, SB calls 2.2 BB, fold

Flop: (14.2 BB, 4 players) T 7 6
SB checks, UTG checks, UTG+1 bets 4.8 BB, Hero raises to 20 BB, fold, fold, UTG+1 calls 15.2 BB

Turn: (54.2 BB, 2 players) 2
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets 51 BB

My plan was to blast off on blank rivers. Is this a thing aka profitable? I think that most players will fast play their strong hands on this board leaving their checking ranges unprotected.

18 October 2024 at 01:12 PM

10 Replies

Fold pre, fold flop

(im a losing 2nl player) Idk if you can even play this hand pre w 3 people behind, especially as a call (maybe ante changes things).
Flop raise i feel like heads up has some merit, but not so good multiway (the board hits ppl behind you as well or better as it does you).
I feel like you are repping 4 combos of 98s, some sets (you probably 3b TT pre etc) and a whole lot of draws. On a brick river when draws miss, what do you think is folding? Are you planning on blasting anyways if the flush hits?

Seems spewy on all streets. I understand depth and antes makes everyone much looser than "classical" 100BB non ante games, but you push it a bit in button clicking territory. "Maybe if I send my stack into the middle they will get scared and fold"

Not directly related to your HH but in case you don't know it already Jarretman did an ante video :

My plan...[/QUOTE]

by Haizemberg93 k

Fold pre

2.6bb open is pretty small for these 9max ante games. I've filtered my db for call 2bets from co/bu w/ K9s-K5s, Q9s-Q7s (hands that play very similar). My (ev) winrate is 95bb/124h ~ 0.76bb/h, where I even took out my biggest winner with +166bb (black swan event).

by bigfishinsmallpond k

On a brick river when draws miss, what do you think is folding? Are you planning on blasting anyways if the flush hits?

I think that nearly everything is folding. Would you call with AT for example?

I think that a good part of villains range contains flushdraws, so I would probaly barrel once but not twice on a flush card.

by boulgakov k

Not directly related to your HH but in case you don't know it already Jarretman did an ante video :

Thank you, I will have a look.

@All: What hands would you use for bluffing (especially triple barreling)?

As a general rule of thumb, don't bluff in multiway pots. Especially not in a 4way pot.

3way you may get away with it on certain textures, but this isn't that texture. If you do and get called, better to give up on next street.

Flop spew, turn is path to disaster. You reason he'll fold top pair and you can fold out busted draws on river, but he can easily have combodraws, sets and two pairs here. Overpairs are not in his range due to not being the pf aggressor and we are targeting those too. Hard to hit when target does not exist 😀

If you really want to do this, do it with Kd8d, Adxd.

As for your pf reasoning: it makes sense to get into pots with Kxs, as it is only beaten by A high flushes, but Qxs can have serious reverse implied odds as it is beat by K high flushes too should you run into flush/overflush which is rare but when it does happen it's better to be on the good side of that 200bb deep.

That's why I tend to fold 22-44 pre MW lately as they can only end up on the wrong side of set-overset scenarios.

Fish don't really understand relative hand strength that well, especially not how strong ranges are multiway when pots get bloated. If they have TP and everything bricks, I don't think they are likely to fold to a little over pot size OTR.

IDK, every street seems a lot closer than people are making them out to be. It's not just any ante game, there's 4.2BB in the pot before hands are dealt! UTG's raise is 38% pot. Kind of an insane format if you ask me.

I'm guessing overcall is incorrect in the CO with an UTG+1 CC, but I think we're all guessing TBH. Could very easily see this being a call OTB and/or w/o CCer and/or w K9s.

All postflop decisions depend a lot on opponents obviously, which aren't provided (and they're probably not solid). But surely flop isn't a pure fold in theory? You can easily get carried away with raising too many combos, but I think we should show up on the turn having raised the flop with a hand like this some % of the time.

Turn should absolutely be low frequency/large sizing. No way does our value range want to bet less than 1.5p here. Whatever 4 combo draws we happen to have are probably first choice for continuing. Again, all villain dependent though. Probably shouldn't be overbet bluffing most 5nl opponents who get to the turn this way.

If villain is a fish, river shove on a blank will get about as many folds from diamonds, pair+SD, and Tx that lose heart as calls from slowplays and just general station stuff. So river shove is fine in theory at some frequency, good in practice against fish (but probably bad to get there this way against fish), and probably bad against anyone solid enough to show up with a strong range but not good enough to make a big fold because it's lol5nl.

I guess that's a lot of words to agree that it's probably not great...

by Kenji k

I think that nearly everything is folding. Would you call with AT for example?

Let me rephrase that. What do you think calls you to the river and then folds? You are shoving a lot of strength, especially multiway, but not a lot of combos you could really do that with. One pair i feel like is bluffcatching on the turn (arguably already bluffcatching on the flop), and if the guy is bluffcatching, he might keep bluffcatching. Furthermore, with your line you make the villains continuing range very strong, maybe even if TPTK folds, other hands in that strong range dont.

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Its very optimistic

SB can have anything and will routinely check everything
UTG can still have any overpair, set or even 98s since I expect they are supposed to check range here
UTG+1 bets and can have any set or even 98s (this is 5nl) or flushdraw
You have a gutshot and still 3 opps in the hand one of whom has shown strength by betting
Can't see how it is profitable
