NL25 - 3bet pot turn spot with flushdraw+gutter

NL25 - 3bet pot turn spot with flushdraw+gutter

Hi Everybody!

Villain: 33/29, 3bet: 25%, hands: 56 so seems quite aggressive and 3bet happy so far. I decided to call cause I have the position and decent hand. On flop I have a gutshot so I decide to just call. Turn is interesting because I also get a flushdraw. What should I do? Call, reraise/call shove, reraise/fold, or shove myself?

SB: $27.12 (108.5 bb)
BB: $25 (100 bb)
UTG: $29.71 (118.8 bb)
MP: $29.01 (116 bb)
CO: $23.44 (93.8 bb)
Hero (BTN): $28.84 (115.4 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7


3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, SB raises to $2.40, BB folds, Hero calls $1.78

Flop: ($5.05) 3



(2 players)
SB bets $1.35, Hero calls $1.35

Turn: ($7.75) 8

(2 players)
SB bets $4.90, Hero?

18 October 2024 at 07:59 PM

17 Replies

56 hands is not a sample
You could raise turn seems like he is betting range and most low limit players wont bluff3bet you in this spot.
I like jam ott, some regs will even check OP on this turn so his range is full of draws/ over cards if he is agg.

By shoving here you represent a weaker range than by just calling. And you rely heavily on fold equity to make it profitable. Would you shove here with a boat or trips? I wouldn't.

So I'd call here too. But there are much better players than me on this forum 😃

What's your impression on him? Aggressive reg, or maniac? Better to shove against the latter, he has so much air.

Oh wow I just put this into a solver and it said turn would be 99% pure call

by Haizemberg93 k

56 hands is not a sample
You could raise turn seems like he is betting range and most low limit players wont bluff3bet you in this spot.
I like jam ott, some regs will even check OP on this turn so his range is full of draws/ over cards if he is agg.

Yeah I think Jam feels good here too

by Micros_Isildur k

By shoving here you represent a weaker range than by just calling. And you rely heavily on fold equity to make it profitable. Would you shove here with a boat or trips? I wouldn't.

So I'd call here too. But there are much better players than me on this forum 😃

What's your impression on him? Aggressive reg, or maniac? Better to shove against the latter, he has so much air.

Hmm good point, I think I would call here with a full house but maybe I would raise with trips sometimes

I felt villain was an aggressive reg. Against a maniac I think shove could be bad because they dont believe anything lol

Raise small and call it off if he jams. If he just calls don’t bluff river if you miss

Call for me. When you raise you're pretty much saying that you have an 8 or 33/44, and those probably want to mostly call the turn if I had to guess.

You would call TT, JJ, 99, AdJd, AdQd, 56, 88, etc etc It looks to me like a spot where we have no raising range. On many rivers they will check and we can shove range.

Or maybe not 😀

Fold pre. As played fold turn.

by boulgakov k

You would call TT, JJ, 99, AdJd, AdQd, 56, 88, etc etc It looks to me like a spot where we have no raising range. On many rivers they will check and we can shove range.

Or maybe not 😀

Checked in solver, indeed we have (*in theory*) no raising range on this turn

And I checked also what happens when we just call and then get checked to on 3 different rivers : 5c, Ah, 2s. In all those cases we ship our hand, but I was wrong to say we go all-in with range, we have a check-back range on the river.

Suggestions to raise turn above by Haiz or DDP are interesting but I find it somewhat important to know it's a big deviation from theory.

by QuackPuncher k

Fold pre. As played fold turn.

Solver is calling here sometimes. And why would I fold the turn when I get good pot odds against overpairs?

I thought I would have had some fold equity but villain snap called so I think I had none. I guess calling would have been better here. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

SB: $27.12 (108.5 bb)
BB: $25 (100 bb)
UTG: $29.71 (118.8 bb)
MP: $29.01 (116 bb)
CO: $23.44 (93.8 bb)
Hero (BTN): $28.84 (115.4 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7


3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, SB raises to $2.40, BB folds, Hero calls $1.78

Flop: ($5.05) 3



(2 players)
SB bets $1.35, Hero calls $1.35

Turn: ($7.75) 8

(2 players)
SB bets $4.90, Hero raises to $25.09 and is all-in, SB calls $18.47

River: ($54.49) 3

(2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: $54.49 pot ($2.00 rake)
Final Board: 3





SB showed K


and won $52.49 ($25.37 net)
Hero showed 7


and lost (-$27.12 net)

by Slasher- k

Solver is calling here sometimes. And why would I fold the turn when I get good pot odds against overpairs?

His 3B is smaller then GTO, im calling this 100% (maybe 4B for fun)

You are not trying to fold out KK

Yeah a raise is folding out overcards because you are losing to them and they will bluff some rivers (more than GTO).

That’s why you raise small. If they have an overpair they will probably just call and then you can give up OTR if you miss.

If you raise small all of his FD will call and he can even call with A5s type of hand, also not sure if he will call over pairs.

by Haizemberg93 k

You are not trying to fold out KK

I think I would fold an overpair in this situation versus an unknown (dont know of it is right move though). Usually they have the nuts here.

★ Recommended Post
by DooDooPoker k

Yeah a raise is folding out overcards because you are losing to them and they will bluff some rivers (more than GTO).

That’s why you raise small. If they have an overpair they will probably just call and then you can give up OTR if you miss.

Are they blasting low tt boards too often with overcards with a flushcard (+ FDs) in 3bp and lower SPR in general? How do they deviate on different types of rivers, in general? Also would you say that population bets too many draws on turns in SRP's, especially on connected broadway (non-A) / 1 & 2 gappers where there is an infinite amount of straight draws, along with 1 flushcard air bluffs making their river ranges very air heavy on blanks?

Excuse me for many questions, I don't need a long or specific answer, just happy if you can give a shallow answer. Can also DM me if this is way beside context of this thread.
