3bet pot hesitating on the river

3bet pot hesitating on the river

Our opponent is a weak player.

Not too sure of what to do on the river, I had very short time bank and shove, x/f, x/c all seemed possible.

€0.10 NL FAST (6 max)

BTN: 107.9 BB
Hero (SB): 110.7 BB
BB: 103.7 BB
UTG: 96.3 BB (VPIP: 23.62, PFR: 15.53, 3Bet Preflop: 1.75, Hands: 488)
MP: 141.6 BB
CO: 213.4 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J J

UTG raises to 2.2 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 11 BB, fold, UTG calls 8.8 BB

Flop: (23 BB, 2 players) 3 7 T
Hero bets 14.4 BB, UTG calls 14.4 BB

Turn: (51.8 BB, 2 players) K
Hero bets 16.2 BB, UTG calls 16.2 BB

River: (84.2 BB, 2 players) 8
Hero ?

25 October 2024 at 04:57 AM

11 Replies

I prefer a slightly smaller 3-bet size, around 4x preflop. It keeps their range wider, and they are slightly short-stacked to begin with.
I would x/c turn. AP x/c against small bet maybe up to 1/2 pot I think is fine but a lot beats you really and their stats aren't that bad.

I guess river is a x/f. A player like this might not arrive to the flop with 56s, 89s, AJ or AQo. Also vs the big flop bet not everyone calls AQcc/AJcc and villain probably doesn't have AQo with one heart. You are then likely left with AQhh (AJhh not possible) and some low frequency 99 that is turned into a bluff OTR. Not a good spot. When bluffcatching you really want to be able to see several bluffing candidates that get to the river with some significant frequency. It's also hard to get called by worse even with a small blockbet OTR because it's not likely they have ATs and you have infinite valuehands.

I wouldn't barrel turn with a good x/c candidate. A solver will do anything because solvers are slags but if we think vil

a) does't have many Kx and

b) will call the same range that called the flop

We're only setting ourselves up for a deeper and more uncomfortable x/c on many rivers. More often the turn will go x/x and we have an easy bluffcatch. Easier life.

AP x/c this river because they rep nadda

I think i like xc the most.

I dont really see what betting achieves. Well, i guess it depends on what kind of a weak player the villain is. If the villain is a weak player who is afraid of bets, we could maybe fold out pocket QQ, and if hes really weak maybe a king/33? I dont really see a king or sets folding. In terms of value, idk if AT calls. Maybe if its AT with no heart (we are more likely to have heart draws turned bluffs).

On the other hand, if we check, villain might check back with better and we lose less money if hes the kind of weak player whos afraid to bet, and also a lot of the times if it goes x x we win. Now, can villain bet with worse? Depends on what kind of a weak player he is, again. Realistically i see missed flush draws easily stabbing river here. Maybe villain stabs a T as well (maybe even those which he would have folded if we bet). We are shoving weakness with smaller turn sizing and the river check, but idk if that type of player bites.

Obviously, theres a lot we lose to. If the villain is the type of a weak player that never bets river with anything less than a set, you can of course fold if you trust your read (personally i have a "bet river and won" stat in my hud for those cases)

You can block bet again otr.

OK we have x/c, x/f or block bet. Thanks for the answers!

In game I thought I was ahead almost always as I don't think this type of player has the discipline to just call my block on the turn with 2 pairs or sets. That's all I could figure out in the ~ 5 seconds I had to take my decision.

€0.10 NL FAST (6 max)

BTN: 107.9 BB
Hero (SB): 110.7 BB
BB: 103.7 BB
UTG: 96.3 BB (VPIP: 23.62, PFR: 15.53, 3Bet Preflop: 1.75, Hands: 488)
MP: 141.6 BB
CO: 213.4 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J J

UTG raises to 2.2 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 11 BB, fold, UTG calls 8.8 BB

Flop: (23 BB, 2 players) 3 7 T
Hero bets 14.4 BB, UTG calls 14.4 BB

Turn: (51.8 BB, 2 players) K
Hero bets 16.2 BB, UTG calls 16.2 BB

River: (84.2 BB, 2 players) 8
Hero bets 60 BB, fold

I checked in the solver, this is a very weird spot, villain is supposed to fold QQ sometimes and call AT everytime. So apparently my shove is both a bluff and a value bet!

The solver doesn't like my shove with JsJh, it does it only with JcJh and JdJh, if somebody has any explanation to suggest I would be really interested

by Burkeman k

I prefer a slightly smaller 3-bet size, around 4x preflop. It keeps their range wider, and they are slightly short-stacked to begin with.

Not too sure I want to encourage calls with a wider range here, what is your reasoning? For me JJ is not so strong I'm thrilled to play a big pot OOP with it, honestly if they fold preflop and I collect 3BB without a fight I'm pretty happy.

AT blocks AK

J blocks IP's FDs, so they call more

by Ceres k

AT blocks AK

J blocks IP's FDs, so they call more

I think Jh blocks KhJh also. But look, it shoves JhJc and JhJd but not JhJs. Whyyyyy ?

Dunno. Solvers are stuuupid

★ Recommended Post

I like the idea of block betting. There is just one problem. If villain shoves over it. Is it a bluff or value? xD
