NL2 Zoom 6max - SB v BB - Flush OTT, Straight OTR

NL2 Zoom 6max - SB v BB - Flush OTT, Straight OTR

PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

UTG: $2.00 (100 bb)
MP: $3.47 (174 bb)
CO: $2.17 (109 bb)
BU: $0.92 (46 bb)
SB (Hero): $2.19 (110 bb)
BB: $1.83 (92 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is SB with K T
4 players fold, Hero raises to $0.06, BB calls $0.04

Flop: ($0.12) 9 Q 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.04, BB calls $0.04

Turn: ($0.20) 4 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.06, BB raises to $0.12, Hero calls $0.06

River: ($0.44) 5 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $0.42, Hero???

Not readings on V.

My thoughts:
Preflop V calls with a wide range, except 3bet range JJ+,AJs+,KQs,QJs,AKo, IMO
Flop Little Cbet, bc the two tones board but try to use the little scary Q. IMO, V call with Flush draws (any), pairs of 3 or 9. Discard set, bc they are in the Raise range.
Turn Here I made a second barrel, too little to be a proper bet (I just realised). Probably here V raise with any flush, 3, 9 or straight draw (bc in the end he is the one doing the bet, not me with that little bet). Maybe I had to do a bigger Cbet, or none at all and fold. Thoughts?
River I don't like the 5, I didn't bet bc I don't want to fight against a Raise.

Looking at this hand again, I think the mistake was on Turn. I should have done check/fold, or bet/fold against raises. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

26 October 2024 at 06:39 PM

6 Replies

I think you get a good price to call on the turn with Khi FD + gutshot. I would just check/fold river unimproved

by Jarito k

PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

UTG: $2.00 (100 bb)
MP: $3.47 (174 bb)
CO: $2.17 (109 bb)
BU: $0.92 (46 bb)
SB (Hero): $2.19 (110 bb)
BB: $1.83 (92 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is SB with K T
4 players fold, Hero raises to $0.06, BB calls $0.04

Flop: ($0.12) 9 Q 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.04, BB calls $0.04

Turn: ($0.20) 4 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.06, BB raises to $0.12, Hero calls $0.06

River: ($0.44) 5 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $0.42, Hero???


Hello Jarito,
you have seond nut flush draw with K high, that's why I give you 8 outs to hit your flush. And you also have 3 outs for the J to complete your straight. Gives you 11 outs (11/46= 0,239). Gives you odds of 3.18: 1. So in 3.18 cases you will loose 0,06$ and in 1 case you will win 0,44$. So you will win = (-0,06$ * 3,18) + (0,44$ *1) = 0,2492$

This is only correct when villian is not having a flush himself. When villian has a flush you only have 8 clean outs. (8/46 =0,174). It gives you odds of 4.75:1. So in 4.75 cases you will loose win = -(0,06$ * 4,75) + (0,44$ * 1) = 0,155$. So you see under both conditions the call at the turn is profitable. Because you hit nothing at the river it is a clear fold.

You can also compare your odds with your outs. Case 1 flush draw and gutshot 11 outs you need pot odds higher then 3.18:1, and you need to call 0,06$ for a pot of 0,38$ --> 0,38 / 0,06 = 6,33 : 1. Remember the pot odds need to be bigger as the odds. 6.33 > 3.18, so a clear call. For 8 outs you need odds of 4.75:1, and you get pot odds of 6,33:1. So again 6.33 > 4.75 it is a clear call.

Thanks a lot for the time to write all this explanation.
It helps me a lot.

I think its ok as played and fold on the river. Maybe check turn and call if you are getting odds/fold if youre not.

Hi Jarito,
I created a list for me today, listing the outs, odds and pot odds, maybe it is helpful for you too, or other people here in the forum.

Have a nice evening!

Best regards,

★ Recommended Post

If would bet 75% on the turn if i'm going to double barrel - You can fold out a lot of Ax spade, KJ/KT without a diamond, some 9x and lower pairs (also some hands that you are ahead but can bluff you if you check).

Villains turn raise is more often Qx or 9x than a flush, but on the river he most likely has it
