NL2 Zoom 6max - IP 2 bullets in scary board, but afraid to put another

NL2 Zoom 6max - IP 2 bullets in scary board, but afraid to put another

PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Pokeit

UTG: $2.11 (106 bb)
MP: $2.75 (138 bb)
CO: $4.23 (212 bb)
BU (Hero): $3.17 (159 bb)
SB: $4.86 (243 bb)
BB: $0.86 (43 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is BTN with 5 A
3 players fold, Hero raises to $0.06, SB calls $0.05, 1 fold
Here I put V on a wide range, with BW, Axs, Kxs, Qxs, A4o+, K9o+, Q9o+, J9o+, SC (with 3 gaps inclusive), any pair (this is my Blinds CC range)

Flop: ($0.14) K 6 3 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.09, SB calls $0.09
Standard Cbet in Kxx rainbow board. V called, so I assume he hit something or is giving some Ax or straight draw a chance. I put him on 66,33,ATs-A2s,KJs-K2s,Q6s,Q3s,J6s,T6s,96s,86s,74s+,62s+,52s+,42s+,AQo-A4o,K9o+

Turn: ($0.32) K (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.10, SB calls $0.10
2nd barrel trying to get V folding draws or small pairs, but he calls, so I assume I'm done: he has something between Kx, 66, 33 or straight draw (66,33,KJs-K2s,75s-74s,63s,54s,52s,42s,K9o+). Could he call with a small pair?

River: ($0.52) 3 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks
I assume i'm done, so I don't want to spend more money.


27 October 2024 at 09:52 PM

2 Replies

You can and probably should bet small (25-33%) on K-hi and A-hi flops with your betting range (study range bets and flop bet sizing in general, and how to defend vs them). To less than pot size bets on flop people generally continue all pairs and draws (and some A-hi backdoor draws too), on turns they usually continue second pair and better + draws (gutshots start to fold some, especially OOP). Usually on the river people start to fold second pairs etc. To make people fold TP on non draw completing rivers it usually requires an overbet, but that is not something you should do without studying it properly first. In general people raise 2 pair and better on either flop or turn, so you can discount those from opponents ranges if they just call flop & turn. Pretty unrelated to your posted hand but just general comments on defending on flop turn and river.

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Thank you very much. Great answer. It helps me a lot. I will study that.
Any advice on where to study flop bet ranges? Or just checking the web?
PD: You give the answer in other post. ✔️
