AKs vs Open4bet

AKs vs Open4bet

800 Hands . 23/20/13

iPoker - €0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

CO: 100 BB (VPIP: 28.82, PFR: 22.25, 3Bet Preflop: 9.40, Hands: 9,280)
Hero (BTN): 131.08 BB
SB: 148.74 BB (VPIP: 25.40, PFR: 20.67, 3Bet Preflop: 11.03, Hands: 28,873)
BB: 189.24 BB (VPIP: 23.40, PFR: 20.35, 3Bet Preflop: 13.73, Hands: 831)
UTG: 69.72 BB (VPIP: 77.14, PFR: 45.71, 3Bet Preflop: 35.71, Hands: 36)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K A

UTG calls 1 BB, CO raises to 5 BB, Hero raises to 14 BB, fold, BB raises to 27 BB, fold, fold, [color=red][b]Hero

Call or Push with 1300bbs ?

01 November 2024 at 07:24 PM

13 Replies

Looks like a jam to me. Might not mind calling either even oop.

by AskZandar k

Looks like a jam to me. Might not mind calling either even oop.

With 100bbs is a clear push, no? And with 130bbs I think the push is a little ev+ than call?

Most players 4bet super tight in this spot and wont fold hand like AKo or even JJ to a jam, so if they are not folding those and dont have much of other weaker hands you just have to call.

by Haizemberg93 k

Most players 4bet super tight in this spot and wont fold hand like AKo or even JJ to a jam, so if they are not folding those and dont have much of other weaker hands you just have to call.

Thanks. If we have AKo is a call too?

by Chiffo k

Thanks. If we have AKo is a call too?

AKo is a worse hand than AKs, everytime I look up one of those weird preflop sports in GTOwizard the solution plays AKo tighter than AKs. So if you believe flatting AKs is the correct play, you should flat AKo (or fold it but that would be very extreme).

In GTO world if you were 150bb deep AKo is a mixed shove/call and AKs is a pure shove, cf screenshot below. But here BB went really small vs your huge 3bet, you get a great price to call. And anyway I don't think people are cold 4betting GTO at all, they are supposed to bluff with K6s sometimes for example...

And I forgot the screenshot...

by Chiffo k

Thanks. If we have AKo is a call too?


by Chiffo k

Call or Push with 1300bbs ?

Call and quadmine 😃

by boulgakov k

AKo is a worse hand than AKs, everytime I look up one of those weird preflop sports in GTOwizard the solution plays AKo tighter than AKs. So if you believe flatting AKs is the correct play, you should flat AKo (or fold it but that would be very extreme).

In GTO world if you were 150bb deep AKo is a mixed shove/call and AKs is a pure shove, cf screenshot below. But here BB went really small vs your huge 3bet, you get a great price to call. And anyway I don't think people are cold 4betting GTO at a

Because AKo has less equity than AKs.

Thanks guys. I push and he have KK... I think call is ev+ than the push with 130bbs. Maybe with 100bbs is best the push

I like a call. I don't wanna flip for 130bb and people don't 4b bluff at 50nl a lot. Easy to play the flop also.

Whether or not you jam is a function of his folding frequency and the equity you have vs. his calling range. The lower his folding frequency the more you would want to call and just play postflop with very good odds and IP with 100bb behind still.

You also typically call more vs. smaller 4-bets because there is less dead money, but in this situation it's an iso, so there is a bit more dead money to begin with.

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Easy call in position imo
