9max Deep - Bluffing in unraised Pot

9max Deep - Bluffing in unraised Pot

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP+1: 226.4 BB
MP+2: 216.8 BB
CO: 201 BB
BTN: 200 BB
Hero (SB): 277 BB
BB: 237.6 BB
UTG: 208.4 BB
UTG+1: 244 BB
MP: 200 BB

9 players post ante of 0.4 BB, Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 5 BB) Hero has 6 A

UTG calls 1 BB, fold, fold, MP+1 calls 1 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 0.6 BB, BB checks

Flop: (7.6 BB, 4 players) Q 2 K
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG checks, MP+1 checks

Turn: (7.6 BB, 4 players) 8
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG checks, MP+1 bets 2.6 BB, Hero raises to 10 BB, fold, fold, MP+1 calls 7.4 BB

River: (27.6 BB, 2 players) 3
Hero bets 17 BB, MP+1 raises to 47.8 BB, Hero ?

MPs small turn bet looked quite weak to me. I think that this comes most likely from some Qx or 8x combo, which bets for equity denial. My Ad blocks some of MPs continuance range aka nutflushdraws and has barreling potential on d rivers, so I decided to attack MP via XR. In vaccum this only has to be succssesful 50% of the time.

I think that it's fine to barrel d rivers. What do you think regarding the bet size? I think that 2/3 pot should be fine to get Kx to fold.

Villain raises and I've a great 3bet jam candidate (blocking the nuts). Is jaming profitable?

06 November 2024 at 09:43 PM

5 Replies

I think both pre and on the turn its fine to deposit your fine hand into the muck, especially 4 ways. As played, i think its an easy fold, unless you think villain folds a flush here, which most people probably dont. Stuff like Kx Qx and the random two pairs (limped pot and all) probably just calls your bet, what else could he have? A missed straight draw trying to bluff you off the flush? I dont think so.

Yeah, the only bluff candidates that come to my mind are JT w/ one d. However, some of them might already start betting otf. I also think that I can't get him off a flush. Could argue for a small 3b ~100 which yields a better risk reward ratio, but i am not sure. They only thing that clearly favors a 3b bluff is that my line looks also ultra strong and it will be hard for villain to find any bluffs within my range. However, this assumes that villain is a thinking player, which seems a little too much of a demand.

Turn is quite bad, no equity you don't have read just feeling that this is a weak size and there still is 2 additional players in the hand.

by Kenji k

Yeah, the only bluff candidates that come to my mind are JT w/ one d. However, some of them might already start betting otf. I also think that I can't get him off a flush. Could argue for a small 3b ~100 which yields a better risk reward ratio, but i am not sure. They only thing that clearly favors a 3b bluff is that my line looks also ultra strong and it will be hard for villain to find any bluffs within my range. However, this assumes that villain is a thinking player, which seems a little too

I dont think a normal player tries to bluff raise with a non-ace flush blocker. As you said, your line does look strong, and you still get raised. You hold Ad, so he doesnt. I dont really think its anything but flushes.

Also, regarding you line looking strong - do you ever play your value in the same way? No offence, but judging by what you post here, this line might just look like "hes just trying to run another insane bluff" (which you are) for someone who has some history with you.

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not 100% sure if i understood your question correctly. tbh, i probably wouldnt take this line for value. the pool is relatively passive, so i would bet my strong hands right away. thing is that it's not about my balanced range (value & bluffs), but rather about my opponent's belief what my range looks like. if he thinks that my line looks strong, i am fine with it.

nevertheless i can see haizembergs point, that i had no reads to backup my play. i just had a rough feeling that this spot is overfolded by population. you guys seem to see it the opposite way.
