Another 4b bluff now what spot
I knew what I was doing pre. I knew what I was doing on the flop. After that i blanked out.
Hero (BTN): 105.4 BB
SB: 124.4 BB
BB: 121.8 BB
UTG: 105 BB
MP: 612.8 BB
CO: 214.8 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Q♠ K♦
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, SB raises to 11 BB, fold, Hero raises to 24 BB, SB calls 13 BB
Flop: (49 BB, 2 players) 7♥ A♥ 5♦
SB checks, Hero bets 15.6 BB, SB calls 15.6 BB
Turn: (80.2 BB, 2 players) T♦
SB checks, [color=red][b]Hero?
8 Replies
Bigger pre
Smaller otf
I would check turn and bet river for like 1/3 if he gives you that option.
I think checking back turn and giving up river is ok, although im not good in these kinds of spots when you miss pretty much completely, the pot is big and your cbet gets called, and im like "now what".
Funny you should post this cos I has a kind of similar spot this morning I been mulling over Ceres. I checked what solver what do and it took same line but what haizemberg said. smaller flop check turn and 20bb river...
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
SoftwareNL Holdem 0.10(BB)
SB ($22.06) [VPIP: 26.1% | PFR: 20.4% | AGG: 34.7% | Flop Agg: 42.4% | Turn Agg: 30.4% | River Agg: 30.8% | 3Bet: 13.6% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.1% | 4Bet: 14.3% | Hands: 217]
BB ($10.28) [VPIP: 22.7% | PFR: 17.5% | AGG: 35.7% | Hands: 604]
UTG ($9.99) [VPIP: 43.1% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 50% | Hands: 69]
HJ ($10.41) [VPIP: 22.7% | PFR: 13.3% | AGG: 30.8% | Hands: 75]
CO ($10) [VPIP: 19.7% | PFR: 15.9% | AGG: 43.5% | Hands: 301]
HERO ($10.15) [VPIP: 24.4% | PFR: 19.9% | AGG: 35.1% | Flop Agg: 38.3% | Turn Agg: 34.8% | River Agg: 33.5% | 3Bet: 7.6% | 4Bet: 10% | Fold to 4Bet: 58.9% | Hands: 51254]
Dealt to Hero: J♠ K♥
UTG Calls $0.10, HJ Folds, CO Folds, HERO Raises To $0.40, SB Raises To $1.20, BB Folds, UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $2.60, SB Calls $1.40
Hero SPR on Flop: [1.4 effective]
Flop ($5.40): 5♦ 2♣ 8♦
SB Checks, HERO Bets $1.50 (Rem. Stack: $6.05), SB Calls $1.50 (Rem. Stack: $17.96)
Turn ($8.40): 5♦ 2♣ 8♦ 9♠
SB Checks, HERO Checks
River ($8.40): 5♦ 2♣ 8♦ 9♠ 4♠
SB Checks, HERO Checks
SB shows: Q♥ A♥
SB wins: $7.98
Its a low ev check, a low ev small bet or a low ev shove - so I dont think it matters too much in reality what you do here
Pretty dicey against a fish?
I think pf sizing is fine. 24 vs 11 and 26 vs 12.
But I'd always X back flop.
These two-tone Ace non BW boards are very good for the PFC. It's a huge donk spot for OOP. Go nodelock to 0% donking and see what your theoretical cbet % is.
A non-intuitive fact is you should be cbetting less than theory because of how population plays. They overcall cbets and only slightly under check-raise vs your cbet sizing.
This will help you.

Well then it was a good job I didnt' make a fool of myself and jam:
Hero (BTN): 105.4 BB
SB: 124.4 BB
BB: 121.8 BB
UTG: 105 BB
MP: 612.8 BB
CO: 214.8 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Q♠ K♦
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, SB raises to 11 BB, fold, Hero raises to 24 BB, SB calls 13 BB
Flop: (49 BB, 2 players) 7♥ A♥ 5♦
SB checks, Hero bets 15.6 BB, SB calls 15.6 BB
Turn: (80.2 BB, 2 players) T♦
SB checks, Hero bets 65.8 BB and is all-in, SB calls 65.8 BB
River: (211.8 BB, 2 players) K♠
SB shows J♠ A♠ (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 62%, Flop 97%, Turn 93%)
Hero shows Q♠ K♦ (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 38%, Flop 3%, Turn 7%)
SB wins 203 BB
I definitely need to calm down in 4b pots. It is time to embrace THE CHECK