How to play post flop from the small blind vs BB?

How to play post flop from the small blind vs BB?

Hi all !

My very first thread here.

Αre there any general rules Ι can follow, how to play post flop(dry boards-wet boards)?...I open 3bb.

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09 November 2024 at 05:24 PM

6 Replies

Very complex topic.

Most regs over fold vs cbet, so you can start by cbetting a lot and then slow down if you get called.

In most spots you use smaller sizes as a cbet.

by Haizemberg93 k

Very complex topic.

Most regs over fold vs cbet, so you can start by cbetting a lot and then slow down if you get called.

In most spots you use smaller sizes as a cbet.

Thank you very much for your reply!
I am grateful to you!

C-bet ~33% on almost any non event board 9 high+. You can use larger sizings on excellent boards for our range like AK4 etc.

But this is the hardest spot in 6max and a nightmare to summarise. Check out a free solve on gtowizard to see how impossible it will be to ever know the full GTO. Plus how to approach is further complexified by opponent/pool/own leaks/style etc.

by Ceres k

C-bet ~33% on almost any non event board 9 high+. You can use larger sizings on excellent boards for our range like AK4 etc.

But this is the hardest spot in 6max and a nightmare to summarise. Check out a free solve on gtowizard to see how impossible it will be to ever know the full GTO. Plus how to approach is further complexified by opponent/pool/own leaks/style etc.

Thank you very much for your reply!
I am grateful to you!

As both of the above said the ranges are so wide and there are so many variables its difficult to summarize.

For turn play I recommend firing a second barrel on disconnected boards. Ideally on a broadway "scare" card. Look for boards where your opponent will likely call wide, but struggle to defend the turn (446 for instance, lots of ace high/k high/gutshots/backdoor flush draws call flop but have to fold turn).

Give up more on turns where they will have already folded most of the range on the flop (for instance AK6, no overcards to call the flop and most lower pocket pairs fold to your cbet. Ax will always continue to the river).

75% is a good versatile turn size. Check medium strength hands and bet strong hands + bluffs. On very wet turns check a lot.

Play your monsters aggressively as most players will not put money in the pot for you. If you have a specific read that a player is a maniac, you can trap and let them bluff their extremely wide BB range into you.

Also preflop, most players will not 3bet wide enough in position - So you should only continue with a fairly tight range when they do.

★ Recommended Post
by rbrtioh k

As both of the above said the ranges are so wide and there are so many variables its difficult to summarize.

For turn play I recommend firing a second barrel on disconnected boards. Ideally on a broadway "scare" card. Look for boards where your opponent will likely call wide, but struggle to defend the turn (446 for instance, lots of ace high/k high/gutshots/backdoor flush draws call flop but have to fold turn).

Give up more on turns where they will have already folded most of the range on the flo

Thank you very much for your reply!
I am grateful to you!
