J2s 148bbs vs Big Fish

J2s 148bbs vs Big Fish

285 Hands . 58/10 WWSF 62% W$SD 54

iPoker - €0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 172.8 BB (VPIP: 20.58, PFR: 16.82, 3Bet Preflop: 7.69, Hands: 8,568)
CO: 104.24 BB (VPIP: 31.39, PFR: 25.11, 3Bet Preflop: 13.45, Hands: 5,901)
BTN: 100 BB (VPIP: 23.98, PFR: 20.17, 3Bet Preflop: 9.90, Hands: 43,101)
Hero (SB): 148.8 BB
BB: 147.7 BB (VPIP: 59.41, PFR: 9.59, 3Bet Preflop: 6.76, Hands: 276)
UTG: 110.82 BB (VPIP: 21.61, PFR: 16.52, 3Bet Preflop: 6.21, Hands: 10,858)

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 2 J

fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 0.5 BB, BB raises to 2 BB, Hero calls 1 BB

Flop: (4 BB, 2 players) 5 K 9
Hero checks, BB bets 1 BB, Hero raises to 2.98 BB, BB calls 1.98 BB

Turn: (9.96 BB, 2 players) Q
Hero checks, BB bets 5 BB, Hero raises to 37.44 BB, BB raises to 142.72 BB, [b]Hero

Preflop maybe is best to OR i think ... OTT i want to stack with 2nd nuts vs this guy and for that reason i use that big check raise size ... Result oriented or i have to raise small and fold to a push?

09 November 2024 at 07:25 PM

8 Replies

Limping preflop is fun, why not. If they did not make it so small I think you can just fold to their 2bet, but for 2bb...

On the flop they have to call 2bb into a 8bb pot, they are going nowhere with most of their range, I don't understand what you try to achieve?

As played I would just bet turn. Yes you have "2nd nuts" but there are a lot of "1st nuts" available. If villain is aggro and fearless they can even try to move you out of the pot with the bare Ah.

by boulgakov k

Limping preflop is fun, why not. If they did not make it so small I think you can just fold to their 2bet, but for 2bb...

On the flop they have to call 2bb into a 8bb pot, they are going nowhere with most of their range, I don't understand what you try to achieve?

As played I would just bet turn. Yes you have "2nd nuts" but there are a lot of "1st nuts" available. If villain is aggro and fearless they can even try to move you out of the pot with the bare Ah.

Yeah preflop if he raise big I fold. Flop agree, have to go bigger or call, but prefer go bigger to size up the pot if hit heart.

Turn i do this check raise to call the push, if not obv is a non sense my size OTT. I
Can bet turn too, and if he raise I can push I think? Or I am too positive to stack 148bbs here in a "limped" pot with my hand vs this guy?

I like pf esp when he has low PFR.
Flop you can call raise small or big all seem fine. I would keep betting ott, he min bets flop which is mostly single of weakness and if he has a hand that is strong enough to handle this big XR he probably will raise that vs bet ott, but with x you miss some value vs weaker hands imo.
Vs jam you have to call it off not super high EV but fish will jam weaker flsuh in this spot.

by Haizemberg93 k

I like pf esp when he has low PFR.
Flop you can call raise small or big all seem fine. I would keep betting ott, he min bets flop which is mostly single of weakness and if he has a hand that is strong enough to handle this big XR he probably will raise that vs bet ott, but with x you miss some value vs weaker hands imo.
Vs jam you have to call it off not super high EV but fish will jam weaker flsuh in this spot.

So preflop okey
Flop okey all the línes
Turn i think is best to bet like u said, and if he raises I think that I have to push, right?

Vs jam i called super quickly, sadly he has A3hh but I think is a cooler and is good to stack here

You lose ~100% of the time here against a fish.

by AskZandar k

You lose ~100% of the time here against a fish.

I dont think this is true we are talking here about the second nut flush he can have smaller flushes or some spaz with Ax flushdraw so we cant fold J high flush here.
I think what is happening here is that by the sizings and actions that we choosed we make the equity of our hand drop and bring ourself into a marginal spot.
What could we do to increase the likleyhood of beeing ahead more frequent when all the money goes in ?
1. i like the limp pre
2. flop check raise bigger (decrease spr and let fish commit more money into the pot with TP etc. more he feels committed more likley we get the money in vs his AA or tp etc.)
3. turn keep barreling big yourself to avoid scared check back from main region that we want to get value from TP+

so best line imo
flop x/r to 10-13bb (because we are deep) = turn potsize 24bb minimum
turn we dont care anymore about Kx no flushdraw we charge AA AK with flushdraw and 2pair+ so overbet 150% 36bb = river pot 96bb
River we have slight overbet shove left pretty different szenario then yours and imo like this you isolate yourself not so often vs nuts
So it is a cooler situation that we induced by our suboptimal decicions on earlyer streets

by giova9990x k

I dont think this is true we are talking here about the second nut flush he can have smaller flushes or some spaz with Ax flushdraw so we cant fold J high flush here.
I think what is happening here is that by the sizings and actions that we choosed we make the equity of our hand drop and bring ourself into a marginal spot.
What could we do to increase the likleyhood of beeing ahead more frequent when all the money goes in ?
1. i like the limp pre
2. flop check raise bigger (decrease spr and let fi

thanks for the answer ! Yes i agree i have to check raise biggger and bet turn , i understand that with my line i dont get max value vs other hands , and with your line i will stack off anyway but i will get max value vs other type of hands

★ Recommended Post
by giova9990x k

I dont think this is true we are talking here about the second nut flush he can have smaller flushes or some spaz with Ax flushdraw so we cant fold J high flush here.
I think what is happening here is that by the sizings and actions that we choosed we make the equity of our hand drop and bring ourself into a marginal spot.
What could we do to increase the likleyhood of beeing ahead more frequent when all the money goes in ?
1. i like the limp pre
2. flop check raise bigger (decrease spr and let fi

Passive fish are really bad at the game but they understand that a T high flush shouldn’t play this way. Fish just have the nuts incredibly often in a limped pot.
