Preflop Defend vs big 3bet

Preflop Defend vs big 3bet

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG+1: 188.2 BB
MP: 274.8 BB
Hero (MP+1): 200 BB
CO: 229.6 BB
BTN: 183.6 BB
SB: 588.8 BB
BB: 100 BB
UTG: 58.2 BB

8 players post ante of 0.4 BB, SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 4.6 BB) Hero has 9 9

fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 4 BB, fold, fold, SB raises to 24 BB, fold, Hero ?

Villain has 23 VPIP 14 PFR and 5 3bet after 1k hands.

6x as 3bet size is very uncommon for this limit. 5 3bet is also pretty tight. Should I've defended 99 here?

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11 November 2024 at 12:17 AM

6 Replies

Why do you open so big? I suspect even with antes and deep stacks we still want to open wide for a small size?

I would call maybe AQs, JJ, AJs, AKo, A5s, KQs. In fact vs such a ridiculous big 3bet maybe I have no 4bet range and I call everything I want to continue with even QQ+/AKs

Defending 99 seems very optional.

5% 3b is very low, which means two things: 1) he has it 2) we might win his entire stack if we hit a set (hard for nits to let go of AA). In these conditions, arent we priced in to call and set mine? If you think the second condition is not true (he will fold aces when we hit), then we can easily fold with no regrets.

by boulgakov k

Why do you open so big?

In relative terms it's not big.

Take the BB and his pot odds for a comparison. In a regular game (6max, 2 bb open) his pot odds are 22%. A 4 bb open in this 9max, deep, 0.5 bb ante per player format gives him pot odds of 23%. Accordingly BTN gets 36% (regular) and 29% (ante), so even with 4 bb his calls become more attractive.

99 and 22 are more or less same hand in this spot. He only has bigger pairs or 2 over cards. Odds are not good for setmine, so seems you should fold.

99 and 22 are not the same. It is way more likely that players before you folded some 2, therefore you might not have outs to set mine... I think you fold pre, as sick as it sounds 😀 its probably a value tell that he sizes so big.

Even though, maybe just call and set mine. I dont think its important, just watch this guy closely and exploit him in following hands

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it's close. you're 200bbs deep so you could call to setmine and stack his overpairs but you have to consider the times when you both flop a set and you get value owned.

just fold pre, note his sizing and move on to a better spot
