How does Blitz/Zoom change BvB dynamics?

How does Blitz/Zoom change BvB dynamics?

Wonder if anyone has some insights on how fast fold formats change blind vs blind play. Both players have a stronger range than they normally would, so how does this impact our c-bet frequencies as SB/flop defend range as BB? Can BB attack low card boards more aggressively as SB will fast fold many of their lower suited connectors? How does it change flush advantage?

13 November 2024 at 04:18 PM

8 Replies

It doesn’t really- weaker players will get run over and stronger players will get run over less. BvB changes drastically dependent on who you’re up against regardless of pool or fast fold or not.

I don't think ranges should be very different in fast vs std but I think at the lowest stakes yes people are a bit tighter from SB.

I legit lol'd when I saw your name the other night, that's one of my favorite Silvio moments

Blitz definitely results in a bit of a tighter pool in general vs reg tables, but that's more a consequence of the numerous breakeven nits trying to pump out volume for rewards rather than it being indicative of how you "should" be playing if you want to maximize your EV, particularly against such nits themselves - which would usually result in you playing tighter in some spots and much more loosely in others

Everyone is slightly less wrong

More fast folds from recs (especially from the SB) compared to regular tables I guess.

As recs under 3bet anyways you open wider than GTO regardless.

Why would ranges be much stronger? That shouldn't necessarily be the case. However if you play on sites (like GG) that allow people to autofold BB, then it can be useful to understand which players do that and open wider/ smaller or even limp BB with some weaker hands as they will often auto-fold a lot of hands that should be defends vs a smaller size. If that's the case then when they call we probably have to be generally more careful, as we have a wider range vs a not so wide one.

Otherwise, as said before, it's not the format that influence how ranges look but player tendencies and rake structure.

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this is a ludicrously bad question.
if your opponents are overfolding preflop you should start by figuring out how to take advantage from that preflop

This is like asking: "We all play like clowns, what theoretical concepts apply more in clown world than normal world?"
Instead of: "How do I beat clowns and not be a clown myself?"
