Triple Bluff Barrel in 3BP

Triple Bluff Barrel in 3BP

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP+1: 150.4 BB
MP+2: 200.4 BB
CO: 194.8 BB
BTN: 310 BB
SB: 200 BB
Hero (BB): 207.2 BB
UTG: 140.2 BB
UTG+1: 186.2 BB
MP: 212.4 BB

9 players post ante of 0.4 BB, SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 5 BB) Hero has K A

fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, SB raises to 4 BB, Hero raises to 14 BB, SB calls 10 BB

Flop: (31.6 BB, 2 players) 6 J 3
SB checks, Hero bets 9.6 BB, SB calls 9.6 BB

Turn: (50.8 BB, 2 players) 8
SB checks, Hero bets 28 BB, SB calls 28 BB

River: (106.8 BB, 2 players) 2
SB checks, Hero bets 45 BB

Is this play reasonable? The alternative for the river was to go allin, however, it's pretty expensive and needs a lot of fold equity. I also have weak Axo in my polarized preflop 3betting range, so I think that Ah5x for instance makes a better allin bluff otr, because it unblocks folds. I guess AhKx has better properties in the smaller river bet size, because it blocks KJss, which is probably part of villains x-calling range.

14 November 2024 at 08:56 AM

3 Replies

I would X turn. Getting x/r here = painful.

Ok i'm a running a solve because i think this is good @ 100bb but bad at 200bb

by Ceres k

I would X turn. Getting x/r here = painful.

Actually solver thinks it's good so it's probably good. WP. Shuts down river though and bets very polar with bluffs, mainly choosing AQ and AT combos w/ A

★ Recommended Post

I would bet bigger OTF. As we are deep, we basically don't want to start putting money in with medium hands. The deeper we are, the more polar we need to be, so it's better to construct a strategy @ a big size (66-75%) . River is fine. Even though the solver pure gives up this hand, in practice it's probably going to be a massively overfolded spot, so not bluffing this is probably losing EV in reality. (unless your villain massively overfolds turn)
