25NL Blitz river spot
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($51.86) [VPIP: 47.7% | PFR: 23.1% | AGG: 25.5% | Hands: 67]
SB ($20) [VPIP: 17.1% | PFR: 6.5% | AGG: 41.9% | Hands: 125]
BB ($30) [VPIP: 33.3% | PFR: 16.7% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 12]
UTG ($35.52) [VPIP: 47.1% | PFR: 23.5% | AGG: 47.1% | Flop Agg: 42.9% | Turn Agg: 50% | River Agg: 100% | 3Bet: 16.7% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 17]
HJ ($26.83) [VPIP: 33.3% | PFR: 33.3% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 9]
HERO ($29.30) [VPIP: 28.3% | PFR: 23.6% | AGG: 37.8% | Flop Agg: 40% | Turn Agg: 35.2% | River Agg: 42% | 3Bet: 10.7% | Fold to 3Bet: 55.9% | 4Bet: 12% | Hands: 139587]
Dealt to Hero: Q♦ J♦
UTG Raises To $0.55, HJ Folds, HERO Raises To $1.63, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Folds, UTG Calls $1.08
Hero SPR on Flop: [7.66 effective]
Flop ($3.61): Q♥ 4♥ 3♦
UTG Bets $2.71 (Rem. Stack: $31.18), HERO Calls $2.71 (Rem. Stack: $24.96)
Turn ($9.03): Q♥ 4♥ 3♦ T♣
UTG Bets $6.77 (Rem. Stack: $24.41), HERO Calls $6.77 (Rem. Stack: $18.19)
River ($22.57): Q♥ 4♥ 3♦ T♣ A♣
UTG Bets $24.41 (allin), HERO ?
*checks notes*
'.... triple broadway runouts vs UTG triple = **** that '
Does this apply to donks? I would guess so. Screenie I sniped from Slyless on river donks:
If this guy isn't a rec I think the preflop 3b is quite wide, but whatever.
Then postflop , even though fish might overbluff this line, I think that's extremely unlikely on this texture, when he triple barrels and then donks all-in on the river. Quite ez fold imo
If this guy isn't a rec I think the preflop 3b is quite wide, but whatever.
Then postflop , even though fish might overbluff this line, I think that's extremely unlikely on this texture, when he triple barrels and then donks all-in on the river. Quite ez fold imo
Preflop is pure 3bet in a solver though.
Yeah I'm going to talk about postflop. I imagine most people think it's an easy fold.
Okay good discussion ITT.
I made a video which reveals results/Fish MDA Breakdown. The video goes off the assumption the Villain is a fish.
Preflop is pure 3bet in a solver though.
Yeah I'm going to talk about postflop. I imagine most people think it's an easy fold.

UTGvHJ high rake structure . In practice you can make the argument of people under 4betting => you can 3b wider, but it's quite a low hand in your range at this point
Thanks for the breakdown.
My problem with raising flop is we are in a tough spot if he jams and we also fold out his bluffs.
Another reason I prefer calling is let’s say we raise flop and villain calls. Turn blanks. Are you betting turn? It’s not clear with a middling hand.
If you had to weight the probability is it more likely villain is a fish or a reg?
Usually I’d just xb or baby turn if I raised flop- likely looking to fold to a 3bet flop unless they did a quickish jam (which recs/regs imo tend to do more with draw type holdings still not a fun spot though honestly).
With only 17 hands pre I’m on the fence if it’s a rec or a reg really- if you’ve ever seen him before then I’d weight him towards reg at this point.
After seeing the video can confirm he was a rec 😃
This is outrageous
This line happens twice in my 1m database. Twice.
One was a merged punt and the other the draw came in.