10NL hand review: BBvsCO 3Bet Pot T66Q5r

10NL hand review: BBvsCO 3Bet Pot T66Q5r

Effective stack 100bb; Global Poker 10NL 6-Max Ring

Action folds to CO with AdQd
Based on the table banter, it seems CO is labeled as aggrofish/maniac (My stats are 27/22/18)

CO opens to 2.3bb

Reg in BB 3bets to 12bb
With less than 1K hands on the player, so far BB seems like other 10NL nitregs with no obvious bluffs in his range
From my experience these regs play very much likes OMCs, but they do occasionally have some bluffs like A5s and 98s pre-flop
Overall though, and especially if they think I am fish, I think their range would be pretty unbalanced towards the top

I've also noticed that they will sometimes pick weird spots to "value-bluff" post-flop, like jamming overpair on wet board after shown some weakness
I think that makes sense since their 3bet range is so tight (no HUDs on this particular website and opponent, but compared to ACR where HUDs are allowed, I think their stats are somewhere around 11/11/3 - 20/20/6), they have to find bluffs with some decent-looking hands to balance the value hands

CO calls

Board Ts6h6d Qh 5d

f: x - b25 - c
t: x - b75 - c
r: x - b33 - r (ai) - c


According to GTO there are some bet sizing issues on the turn and river.

Could you please point out any leaks in my play?

How often is this all-in nutted?

20 November 2024 at 08:50 PM

6 Replies

are you the co?

by Brokenstars k

are you the co?


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Flop bet doesn't accomplish much... he is calling all better and per your statement from preflop doesn't have much worse to begin with so betting seems to lack logical reasoning. Also, b33 otr ip is almost never going to be a thing in theory (only exploitative). So, if you b33 to get spew raised on then mission accomplished and click call. If you b33 otr to get some very weak hand to call, but don't think he would raise with worse you have an easy fold. Considering you state he is some type of reg-thing, I would recommend focusing on not using small sizings otr IP as a lack of intention with this sizing is leading to a difficult decision point on the river.

In the absence of additional information it is hard to determine whether or not you should call river because whether or not you should call completely hinges on the whether or not he is spewing vs. your small sizing. The sizing of his raise or the preflop stack depths are also omitted here and that is also important for this situation.

Sit down, formulate a plan on your sizes and why/ how you use them. The sizing choices seem chaotic and not thought out properly.

by CrazyAndy27s k

Sit down, formulate a plan on your sizes and why/ how you use them. The sizing choices seem chaotic and not thought out properly.

Well, I did "sit down" and "thought it out properly", so I'd appreciate any constructive feedback. Clearly I don't understand what is proper vs. not. Thanks!

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★ Recommended Post

I would not bet flop as you're called by too many stronger hands that are well in opp's range (AA, KK, JJ, TT, AK).

I would probably bet 33 on the turn to get value from flush draws as we are unblocking them.

The best would be if you had Qx without A as you are blocking AK and AJ that are hands we'd want value from
