I designed this table to study faster in micro stakes

I designed this table to study faster in micro stakes

The idea is simple to mentally group the hands that the rivals may have on the table according to the actions, since in my personal opinion the tables with which it is normally studied make learning difficult due to so many squares it has.
Whoever wants to support the idea and revolutionize poker by creating more simplified tables to study further, I take the first step.

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22 November 2024 at 06:02 PM

6 Replies

Why don't you just use some preflop ranges such as GTOWizard's? They're free and much more accurate. You can't just use the same ranges in every position

This is a good table and you need to be tight preflop vs 3bets and 4bets.

But in btn v blinds, CO v Btn and blind v blind I think it's better to jam AK OOP against recs and average regs. You miss the flop too many times by just calling 4bets and end up folding vs worse hands many times.

Don't jam vs confirmed
nits though.

If you raise pre and face 3bet and cold4bet it may be OK to fold AK.

If you are the 3bettor and face a 4bet it's better to jam there is too much dead money in the pot.

If you are Utg or MP and face 3bet from blinds just call, I agree with that.

AK > QQ because of blockers.

Try learning python instead, something like the below code and you could change the sklanksy groupings to what your drilling yourself.

Play around with this basic code and tweak it, you could remove 2 of the groups, and use 5 groups for something similar to what you're trying to do. Good Luck.
Not available for any further help, this is something a poker player has to do on his own.

Also, doesn't matter if its micros, it's still dependannt on your effective stack sizes.

[CODE]import random
import time
import csv
from datetime import datetime

Sklansky Hand Groups

1: ['AA', 'KK', 'QQ', 'JJ', 'AKs'],
2: ['TT', 'AQs', 'AJs', 'KQs', 'AK'],
3: ['99', '88', 'ATs', 'KJs', 'QJs', 'JTs', 'AQ'],
4: ['77', '66', 'A9s', 'A8s', 'A7s', 'A6s', 'A5s', 'A4s', 'A3s', 'A2s', 'KTs', 'QTs', 'J9s', 'T9s', 'AJ'],
5: ['55', '44', '33', '22', 'K9s', 'Q9s', 'J8s', 'T8s', '98s', 'AT', 'KJ'],
6: ['87s', '76s', '65s', '54s', 'KT', 'QJ', 'JT', 'QT', 'K9'],
7: ['K8s', 'K7s', 'K6s', 'K5s', 'K4s', 'K3s', 'K2s', 'Q8s', 'Q7s', 'Q6s', 'Q5s', 'Q4s', 'Q3s', 'Q2s', 'J7s', 'T7s', '97s', '86s', '75s', '64s', '53s', '43s', 'T9', '98', '87', '76', '65', '54'],
8: ['J6s', 'J5s', 'J4s', 'J3s', 'J2s', 'T6s', '96s', '85s', '74s', '63s', '52s', '42s', '32s', 'Q9', 'J9', 'T8', '97', '86', '75', '64', '53', '43'],

def get_all_hands():
hands = {}
for group, hand_list in SKLANSKY_GROUPS.items():
for hand in hand_list:
hands[hand] = group
return hands

def save_result(hand, correct_group, user_answer, response_time, was_correct):
with open('poker_results.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),

def main():
print("\n�� Welcome to Poker Hand Groups Trainer! ��")
print("Test your knowledge of Sklansky hand groups.")
print("You have 3 lives. Enter the group number (1-8) for each hand.")
print("\nPress Enter to start...")

hands = get_all_hands()
hand_list = list(hands.keys())
lives = 3
score = 0

# Create CSV file with headers if it doesn't exist
with open('poker_results.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
if file.tell() == 0:
writer.writerow(['Timestamp', 'Hand', 'Correct Group', 'User Answer', 'Response Time', 'Correct'])

while lives > 0:
hand = random.choice(hand_list)
correct_group = hands[hand]

print(f"\n❤️ Lives: {lives} | �� Score: {score}")
print(f"\nWhat group does {hand} belong to? (1-8)")

start_time = time.time()
user_answer = int(input("Your answer: "))
response_time = time.time() - start_time
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 8!")

if user_answer not in range(1, 9):
print("Please enter a number between 1 and 8!")

if user_answer == correct_group:
print(f"✅ Correct! {hand} is in group {correct_group}")
score += 1
print(f"❌ Wrong! {hand} is in group {correct_group}")
lives -= 1

save_result(hand, correct_group, user_answer, response_time, user_answer == correct_group)

if lives > 0:
print("\nPress Enter for next hand...")

print(f"\n�� Game Over! Final Score: {score}")
print("Check poker_results.csv for your performance history!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

You guys heard of micro tattoos right?

You get tiny little range tattoos on the tips of your fingers, so 1-4 on your left hand is UTG, HJ, CO, BU. And then you ink the blinds 3b response ranges on the right. Zero 'memory ' required. You're welcome.

by Ceres k

You guys heard of micro tattoos right?

You get tiny little range tattoos on the tips of your fingers, so 1-4 on your left hand is UTG, HJ, CO, BU. And then you ink the blinds 3b response ranges on the right. Zero 'memory ' required. You're welcome.

well that's just tatty if you ask me.

★ Recommended Post

you haven't got any bluffs in range so you're just going too have opps play correctly against you. do what the first guy said and look at some proper o ranges and 3b ranges https://pokertrainer.se/preflop-opening-...
