BvB Triple Bluff Barrel OOP

BvB Triple Bluff Barrel OOP

GG Poker - $0.05 Ante $0.02 NL - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (SB): 205.4 BB
BB: 311.2 BB
BTN: 412 BB (VPIP: 30.00, PFR: 20.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 10)

3 players post ante of 0.4 BB, Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.6 BB) Hero has Q 5

fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, BB calls 2 BB

Flop: (7.2 BB, 2 players) 3 K A
Hero bets 2.2 BB, BB calls 2.2 BB

Turn: (11.6 BB, 2 players) 4
Hero bets 9.4 BB, BB calls 9.4 BB

River: (30.4 BB, 2 players) T
Hero bets 9.2 BB

Villain is a regular w/ 25/16 and 3bet 5 after 1.5k hands.

What do you think of my triple barrel to get him off some weakish top pair type hand like A6 or A7. I think that my hand has nice blocking properties w/ one spade and Q vs QJ and 5 vs 52.

) 3 Views 3
27 November 2024 at 01:58 PM

9 Replies

25/16 is not a reg. Definitely not a reg. A semi-nit-fish I'd probably categorize him.

If you open wider preflop vs this guy due to his tendencies that is fine, but remember that that will influence postflop - you ending up with a much wider range than you should have and him much tighter. This, along with the fact that you're OOP should lead to you having a more polar strategy where you implement big bets or checks. Range betting won't work as well considering how preflop ranges are altered.

As played it depends what your range looks like . If you do this with all Qx+spade it will be a bit too much. Ideally you'd pick the Q5 with a spade only, and maybe just Qs. However can't be too bad. OTR I'd probably size up a bit against this kind of player, as I'm not sure he's going to fold a TP to this size. And as he's not a reg, I wouldn't care much about being "balanced".

I dont think any top pair or even a strong king folds to 30% on the river. Besides that, fun hand.

by bigfishinsmallpond k

I dont think any top pair or even a strong king folds to 30% on the river. Besides that, fun hand.

It should, at least in theory we should have strong hands in that size and we shouldn't really use a lot of big sizes. However in practice I agree with you, people aren't super willing to fold a TP to that size, especially if it seems to be a player that doesn't understand the mechanics of the game.

by bixton1m k

It should, at least in theory we should have strong hands in that size and we shouldn't really use a lot of big sizes. However in practice I agree with you, people aren't super willing to fold a TP to that size, especially if it seems to be a player that doesn't understand the mechanics of the game.

Guess im that kind of player, lol

by bixton1m k

25/16 is not a reg. Definitely not a reg. A semi-nit-fish I'd probably categorize him.

Stats are based on 9max deep ante format. Looks fine to me tbh.

by Kenji k

Stats are based on 9max deep ante format. Looks fine to me tbh.

Ah, oops, yeah. For 9max looks better. Missed that when I read HH. But in that case isn't Q5o too wide of an open?

Yes, it's too wide in gto-terms. 5% 3bet is pretty low, so I assume that Villain is under defending and therefore I openraise/steal a little wider. Actually he quickly called w/ A4o, which is a good preflop bluff 3bet in these positions. So my assumption seems to fit.

Most of our bluffs are giving up when they call the flop. If we start using any old broadway they absolutely print off us with their stationy pair range.

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Seems fine considering the width of ante ranges- I don’t like tripling this line though and prefer sizing up flop and turn instead.
