NL25 - AA 4bet pot vs nit

NL25 - AA 4bet pot vs nit

Hold'em No Limit - $0.10/$0.25 - 5 players

UTG: $18.45 (74 bb)
CO (Hero): $25.00 (100 bb)
BU: $7.95 (32 bb)
SB: $15.26 (61 bb)
BB: $30.71 (123 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero is CO with A A
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.63, 2 players fold, BB 3-bets to $2.57, Hero 4-bets to $6.25, BB calls $3.68

Flop: ($12.60) Q 7 6 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4.50, BB calls $4.50

Turn: ($21.60) 9 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: ($21.60) 5 (2 players)
BB bets $19.96 (all-in), Hero ?

Opponent plays 17/13/5, 9tables.

He'd jam KK pre
I have AA so not many AQ's in his range. QQ and AK is in his range. I don't have Ah so AKh and maybe Ah5h is in his range.

Is my preflop sizing good? 25bb raise vs 10bb 3b. Should I go bigger?
Flop sizing? Is turn checkback good?
As played will he have enough bluffs to justify the call? Thanks.

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30 November 2024 at 08:39 AM

5 Replies

I'm not overthinking this spot.

SPR, tick. 4b pot, tick. OP, tick. (i would probably bet small turn and call it off - never folding AP)

So in theory the opponent's calling range here is mostly AQs and some suited kings and lower pairs and suited connectors. I dont think this nit 3bets those from bb, so i would guess his 3b-call 4b range is like AK, maybe AQs and QQ-TT? If you had stats on his f4b/5b i think it would be very helpful.

So we lose to one AKs and 3 QQ. I dont believe A5s is in his 3b range with 5% 3b. If he only bluffs this with Ah, thats 4 combos of AKo already (you bet small on the flop and he could easily hang onto those, especially with a heart). I believe the line bet-check back is weak, could he be value betting w AQs? If so, thats another 3 combos we beat.

With no further info, i guess i call.

Btw, how do you check how many tables the opponent plays? Is that some poker room that has it in its software, or some external thing?

by bigfishinsmallpond k

Btw, how do you check how many tables the opponent plays? Is that some poker room that has it in its software, or some external thing?

On GGpoker there are two views for reg tables. You can view the individual tables to table select, or you can look at the pool and see every player. They are listed in in alphabetical order so if you see the same guy 9 times, that's 9 tables. It's also the max you can play on a particular stake. With the latter view, you can press join tables and get randomly seated at them. With the first view you can select invidiual table to table select.
I switch between the two views to check for new regs.

Jam preflop to cooler him. Don’t play GTO preflop vs non GTO ranges.

As played you have to call since you beat some value like KK and he could also have AA. AK with a heart is a natural bluff as well.

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We don´t know that they always 5bet pre with KK, but do not 5bet with QQ. On the flop, I count 3 combos of QQ, one AK that makes the nut flush draw, 6 combos of KK, and one other AA. Maybe AQ also. I bet a little bit bigger on the flop and still want to get the money in on the turn.
