Can I ever fold a fold with TPTK on this turn?

Can I ever fold a fold with TPTK on this turn?

100bb effective

BU raises to 2.5bb, BB re-raises to 10bb with AhJc, BU calls

Flop: Jd 9s 6h
BB checks, BU bets 30% pot, BB calls

Turn: Ts
BB checks, BU bets 70% pot, BB ?

Can BB ever find a fold here? If so, why/how?

) 6 Views 6
02 December 2024 at 05:52 PM

5 Replies

This is the standard pre-flop call with AJo. The exception is when BU has a big fold to 3bet.

You can raise on this flop with top pair top kicker, call is okay too.

The turn has reduced the value of your hand and calling is a costly decision against this big bet. So folding looks like a solid play. We need stronger hands to continue the game in this situation (Over Pair+), or hands with extra equity (Pair+Draw, Combo Draw, Nuts Flush Draw), hands that can improve to the nuts.

In these situations, ask yourself if you are hitting anything in your opponent's range.
Would you bet with hands like KJ, QJ with a size like that in his place? I think not, so just fold and save your money for a more profitable spot.

by slyless k

This is the standard pre-flop call with AJo. The exception is when BU has a big fold to 3bet.

I do not entirely understand this. So when the villain has a high fold to 3bet, meaning he will not continue with weaker aces, why do we raise this hand? We might polarize our range more and 3bet with more bluffs, but call with this hand. Why fold out aces we dominate?

by ReturningPlayer k
by slyless k

This is the standard pre-flop call with AJo. The exception is when BU has a big fold to 3bet.

I do not entirely understand this. So when the villain has a high fold to 3bet, meaning he will not continue with weaker aces, why do we raise this hand? We might polarize our range more and 3bet with more bluffs, but call with this hand. Why fold out aces we dominate?

You're right that if your opponent folds weaker Aces, you'll miss the opportunity to dominate those hands postflop.
But the advantage of 3-betting isn't just that you'll fold weaker hands.

If the villain folds too often, you’re exploiting their leak by picking up the pot without contest. Even though you lose the chance to dominate weaker hands, the consistent profit from winning preflop outweighs that.

It also helps beginners to avoid difficult situations in the postflop.
Calling preflop means playing on several streets where dominant hands (such as AQ or AK) can put you in a difficult position. By 3-betting, you often avoid such situations.

In general, I agree with you. Usually, you need to use a polar 3bet and extend the bluffing part of it against such players, but this requires an understanding of more advanced concepts that can be difficult for micro-limit players.

by ReturningPlayer k
by slyless k

This is the standard pre-flop call with AJo. The exception is when BU has a big fold to 3bet.

I do not entirely understand this. So when the villain has a high fold to 3bet, meaning he will not continue with weaker aces, why do we raise this hand? We might polarize our range more and 3bet with more bluffs, but call with this hand. Why fold out aces we dominate?

You're right, you'd be wasting your equity by 3betting AJo against a guy who overfolds to 3bets. Also nobody overfolds to 3bets anymore.

★ Recommended Post

3bet is too small
Flop either cbet or raise vs stab.
