Do people ever find bluffs here?

Do people ever find bluffs here?

The solver wants the flush to call here. But does villain really ever have bluffs or weaker flushes in practice?

) 6 Views 6
05 December 2024 at 09:49 AM

10 Replies

1. Would be useful to hide results so we don't feel biased by those
2. The question isn't really "correct", doesn't matter if people EVER find bluffs here - they will. The question should be do they find ENOUGH bluffs here to make this a profitable call? And I'd say definitely not.

I think you can safely fold by the river.

Thankyou for your service 🙏

He could be raising lower flushes and Ax that he over values - must call. could shove turn to avoid the 4th heart to hit. He isn't folding any Ax that he was willing to raise on the turn, if he does, that is definitely worth taking a note on. you don't raise flushes on turn on an AA board to fold, he thinks you have Ax

but yea i would say ppl never have bluffs here, if it was a sophisticated opponent I would imagine the bluffs would come from KhQx, that is the only intuitive bluff I could see.

And think about the value that has you beat. AA if he decided to slow play, unlikely, A5 if he is decent only the suited variety, A2 again likely only suited but even then competent opponents fold pre the suited variety. and 55. This is a tiny portion of his range when he has off suit Ax in his range has and a number of lower flushes.

you win here most of the time.

Raise and river over shoves at those stakes are generally the nuts or close to it. You have to ask, does my pool accurately do MDF's and do they bluff at a correct frequency? If the answer is no... 😀 Then you have to look for common patterns where you can make exploitable folds. Solvers won't be able to provide accurate answers for your pool.

Villain is a strong aggressive reg fwiw.

Are you betting < 1/4 pot with your entire range on the flop?

by JoSopinka k

Villain is a strong aggressive reg fwiw.

Guess that makes calling even worse cause he won't ever show up with some overplay. A mistake I used to make is thinking that if someone is on the aggressive side they will always find bluffs in every spot. But that's not true. Some spots are just super unintuitive to bluff and they will be massively underbluffed even by aggro players

Is 30% turn a thing in this spot on the 5?

People don't even bluff the turn here, let alone bluff the river.

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I think it’s an error to not triple block here, it’ll help protect the range of other hands that can triple block here like trips etc.

As played I’d likely just fold to jam and call anything pot down.
