Turn sizing OOP in 3b pot after xr flop <1 SPR

Turn sizing OOP in 3b pot after xr flop <1 SPR

Winning Poker, Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 6 players
Hand delivered by Pokeit

UTG: $1.66 (83 bb)
MP (Hero): $3.50 (175 bb)
CO: $1.55 (78 bb)
BU: $1.76 (88 bb)
SB: $1.62 (81 bb)
BB: $2.53 (127 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is MP with T 9
1 fold, Hero raises to 2bb, CO 3-bets to 7.5bb, 3 players fold, Hero calls $0.11

Flop: (16bb) T 9 3 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets 8bb, Hero raises to 24bb, CO calls $0.32

Turn: (64.5bb) 7 (2 players)
Hero bets ?bb

Table is capped at 80bb.

Villain is a nit (18/14/6.5, 45% cbet over 1800 hands).

Pre: i think calling is pretty good vs a tight range and a passive player (good implied odds and some fold equity too)

Flop: thought about bigger xr, but i think 3x is fine. I would play stuff like flush draws this way too (i know its a bit backwards and i want to go off value first). I don't really need to build up the pot too much as after the villain calls its gonna be less than 1 SPR anyways, and i can get the money in. (well, pre-turn thoughts are welcome too)

Turn: after the villain calls my xr, i think his range consists of mostly overpairs (i block TT and 99, he doesnt have 33 or T9 himself) and maybe overs with a flush draw (not sure he 3bets pre and calls xr with that besides AKs). Basically, i want to get the money in, but in the game i was kinda lost about which sizing to use. Do i just jam? Do i block and jam river? Does it even matter? I think i would get called by AA/KK either way, but idk. Im not necessarily "afraid to lose my customer", but, well, i guess i might be. Not sure what play is the best here.

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06 December 2024 at 06:55 PM

7 Replies

Why do you have BB and $ mixed in your HH? Any ways... if you're XRing the turn and not knowing what you want to do on most blank turns, then you probably shouldn't XR.

As played, shove at this point.

by FreakDaddy k

Why do you have BB and $ mixed in your HH? Any ways... if you're XRing the turn and not knowing what you want to do on most blank turns, then you probably shouldn't XR.

As played, shove at this point.

Hand2note wont let me export histories in bbs, so i converted it manually for easier reading where it matters.

Point taken.

I would fold preflop. I just don't think we make a hand/steal the pot often enough for this to be profitable especially given his smaller stack.

As played there's only 1 play really and that's go all in.

Easy shove as played OOP, would only have jam sizing here on turn at ~1spr and oop.

Flop is close for call/fold for this sizing and 80bb eff, so as andy said a fold would be okay preflop.

Thanks all.

As i said, i didnt know how to extract the most value from this weak/tight player, so i blocked for 20%, he shoved and i called off.

Maybe i can play this hand less shitty next time (or fold pre).

by Brokenstars k

Easy shove as played OOP, would only have jam sizing here on turn at ~1spr and oop.

Flop is close for call/fold for this sizing and 80bb eff, so as andy said a fold would be okay preflop.


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by Brokenstars k


Ye i figured im not folding flop to my own xr.

Regarding pre, im pretty sure it would be winning vs a nit at 100bb and deeper, not sure about 80bb thinking about it now.
