3bet pot, understanding solver

Solver action for river:

Can someone explain why solver likes to jam hearts combos but check non hearts? I thought it'd be other way around.
Edit: Actually I just had a think about it and I think it's because villain has much less draws in range like Ax hearts that it can win by checking back with the non heart combos. So check EV is not nearly as good when we hold hearts. If i'm wrong let me know 😀
5 Replies
Dunno. Quick sim i just ran in gto+ doesn't fire any AJs, assuming SDV vs the remainder of SB's draws.
Though i like the way you played the hand. We probably can/should extend here otr.
Blocker effects, they are all close to ev so you won't make big mistake either way.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about stuff like this too much. GTO is incredibly sensitive, and the equilibrium can shift by the smallest of changes. If shoving the non hearts here loses -0.5bb, it always checks. On the other hand, if hearts wins 0.5bb by shoving, it always shoves.
Here in your case the margin of victory is hopefully much bigger than that. And I think that because villain needs to be defending a lot of their 8x and pretty much all Tx, your shove is making a nice chunk of money here. They won't be defending enough so WP.
Not saying it's a bad question, it may be beneficial to understand why, but it is not usefuly to start implementing minute stuff like this to your game.
Edit: did a few nodelocks:
At equilibrium, a balanced calling range would look like this. So calling almost all Tx and a looot of other stuff.

And did a few changes, still call a decent amount of 8x and most Tx, and we have villain overfolding by a big margin. Needless to say all hands with little to no showdownvalue are shoving river.

Edit: Actually I just had a think about it and I think it's because villain has much less draws in range like Ax hearts that it can win by checking back with the non heart combos. So check EV is not nearly as good when we hold hearts. If i'm wrong let me know 😀
Ah, thanks! I often see the solver violating the "common wisdom" rule 'do not bluff with a missed FD' and I was wondering why, your explanation makes sense. Maybe not for all those instances, but in this case it seems logical.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about stuff like this too much. GTO is incredibly sensitive, and the equilibrium can shift by the smallest of changes. If shoving the non hearts here loses -0.5bb, it always checks. On the other hand, if hearts wins 0.5bb by shoving, it always shoves.
Here in your case the margin of victory is hopefully much bigger than that. And I think that because villain needs to be defending a lot of their 8x and pretty much all Tx, your shove is making a nice chunk of money here. They
yeah, personally in villain's shoes I'm having a hard time calling Tx nevermind, 8x, as I think most regs would at these stakes, and it's probably correct given pool tendencies. Also due to pool tendencies I think they're heavily weighted towards 1 pair hands in this line on that board as well innit, more than solver would be I think. I haven't gotten into nodelocking yet, on my to do list 😀