AQs Facing all in in squeezed pot.

AQs Facing all in in squeezed pot.

I had a suspicion villain was fishy I think, don't remember exactly why now, he may have been tagged or it may have been his sizing preflop.

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13 December 2024 at 12:53 PM

14 Replies

If he is fishy enough to sqz and jam AJo its snap call. In general you are looking at AK maybe AQs for value and super draws for a bluff. Problem is he bets polar otf and most players wont do that with QdJd, so for a bluff you are mainly looking at hh combos and there is not that many of them Ah is on the board and if he had hand like KhTh he wont jam this turn, so fold imo.

by Haizemberg93 k

If he is fishy enough to sqz and jam AJo its snap call. In general you are looking at AK maybe AQs for value and super draws for a bluff. Problem is he bets polar otf and most players wont do that with QdJd, so for a bluff you are mainly looking at hh combos and there is not that many of them Ah is on the board and if he had hand like KhTh he wont jam this turn, so fold imo.

thanks mate always appreciate your input.

I don't think this line is air enough either. Squeeze 3 players plus 'get it in asap' screams value > 33% or whatever we need

What are we doing with AK here? Calling and hoping for a chop?

by dpghs9p k

What are we doing with AK here? Calling and hoping for a chop?

Never in a million years folding AK. We're calling, hoping to see a bluff or AQ but expecting to see the same hand a fair chunk and once in a blue moon the 1 combo of AA. Given action from villain I give him less than 1 combo in reality cuz people normally get more tricky than that with top set and low SPR.

I'll post results tomorra. 😀




Genius. On an alternate timeline he spikes the 2 and this hh ends up in fun hand thread.


the ol' k5o sqeeze from the BB. deffo solver appoved!

wp op. calling in this spot with so many draws available but folding on some Axxx textures and not loving the call in any way fyi

34/7 is pretty fishy but thoughts on his 3b range being mostly linear and val heavy/OR is he just some omegawhalefish who decided op is full of **** and will squeeze and proceed to punt super light? obv op has leaked the spoiler but vs population with these stats, what's the play?

by Enam3l k

34/7 is pretty fishy but thoughts on his 3b range being mostly linear and val heavy/OR is he just some omegawhalefish who decided op is full of **** and will squeeze and proceed to punt super light? obv op has leaked the spoiler but vs population with these stats, what's the play?

Ignore those stats they're meaningless. It's a HUDless site and the HH they give out are player anonymous so the stats you see are just average population stats basically.

I mean, you unblock all his Axd combos so that would make me lean towards a call. also his sizing is a bit odd for an A high flop with AK. it's a wet board but I don't think 2/3 pot is a solver approved sizing for hands that are ahead of AQ at equilibrium. perhaps a small% of the time you'd want to bet big, but generally I'd think half pot~ is more concurrent with AK. weird spot

by Enam3l k

I mean, you unblock all his Axd combos so that would make me lean towards a call. also his sizing is a bit odd for an A high flop with AK. it's a wet board but I don't think 2/3 pot is a solver approved sizing for hands that are ahead of AQ at equilibrium. perhaps a small% of the time you'd want to bet big, but generally I'd think half pot~ is more concurrent with AK. weird spot

Generally solver likes to do a lot of big betting on A high board with AK in 3bet pots yeah. 3/4 is normal and overbetting is ok as well. I'm not sure if that changes with the SPR being bigger here, I know in 4bet pots it'd start sizing down but here we're kind of in-between in terms of SPR.

His 3b sizing is fishy. Also wasn’t aware 2/3 was standard on Axx. Does this change ip/oop and is it on all A high textures or more so on draw-heavy boards? Apologies from reverse engineering your incentives for making a thread but you know more than me 😃

by Enam3l k

His 3b sizing is fishy. Also wasn’t aware 2/3 was standard on Axx. Does this change ip/oop and is it on all A high textures or more so on draw-heavy boards? Apologies from reverse engineering your incentives for making a thread but you know more than me 😃

haha, it's just that I practiced that spot once in solver a few weeks ago... Btw the sizing is 3/4 or overbet. Yeah, being IP it generally has more incentive to start sizing down a bit but does have some bigger bets as well. The dryer the board the more it starts mixing in smaller sizes with AK as well. OOP say sb vs button on this board it gets super excited about overbetting AK.

And NP, it's beneficial to talk about poker whether passing on info or whatever so it's all good 😀

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interesting. thanks man, i'll look start to ob the heck outta my tptk type hands in these spots.

also side note: ip/oop looks and sounds much less credible than intended.
