I need help.Was my call okay or bad ?

I need help.Was my call okay or bad ?

The Board was : 6h 10d Kh Qs

Villian goes all in with a pot size bet.
I have a flush draw with Qh-5h and i called.I had 23% equity.
Is this a call with 25% equity ?

Villian had K-10 no heart.

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28 December 2024 at 09:05 PM

3 Replies

Pot size bet : we need 33% equity. You say you have 23%. So, you should not call, easy.

by kmx95 k

The Board was : 6h 10d Kh Qs

Villian goes all in with a pot size bet.
I have a flush draw with Qh-5h and i called.I had 23% equity.
Is this a call with 25% equity ?

Villian had K-10 no heart.

Do you mean you had 23% equity vs their hand after its revealed or you estimate vs their range? Because I think you can estimate slightly higher equity vs range with no reads but still not enough to fold as boulgakov said.

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