AA all in

AA all in

HERO holds A A

Hero is on the button

6 max 0.01/0.02 no limit

table currently has 4 players seated

UTG folds
HERO on button raises to 0.06 (HEROs stack 2$ at start of hand)
SB folds
BB calls (BB stack is 2$ at start of hand)

Flop 2 10 8

BB villain checks
HERO checks

Turn is 6

HERO bets half pot 0.06 into pot of 0.12
BB villain min raises 0.12
HERO reraises to 0.30
BB villain reraises to 0.48
HERO shoves ALL IN

what is your opinion on how this hand was played by hero?

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03 January 2025 at 06:48 PM

4 Replies

I would bet flop 1/3
turn I would just call their minraise and go from there.. fishy play from villain so I think better to just asses on the river as you have position.

I agree with @Burkeman. I wouldn't worry too much about protecting the check range at this limit.

Usually, a raise on the turn is a value-heavy range and we need to rethink the strength of our hand.
An overpair JJ-KK would most likely be 3-betted pre-flop, and by 3-betting on the turn, you are isolating yourself against stronger hands.

I prefer to call on the turn and evaluate the river.

Thank you for the replies guys. I agree I probably should have slowed down a little with how i played this hand. I have been getting married to AA lately... definitely a weakness i need to work on

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Yeah bet flop - Third pot works, though you can go bigger on this board, both in theory and in practice (range advantage, especially when it comes to overpairs and plenty of fish at these limits who will call too wide vs the larger sizes).

When you call turn, you can reraise small bets (on safe cards) and call midsized bets. If they overshove it is likely a fold.
