[100NL] Playing like GTO

[100NL] Playing like GTO

[converted_hand][hand_history]Winamax - €1 NL (5 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

Hero (BTN): €121.74 (121.7 bb)
SB: €86.55 (86.6 bb)
BB: €151.16 (151.2 bb)
UTG: €389.30 (389.3 bb)
CO: €110.68 (110.7 bb)

SB posts €0.50, BB posts €1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50) Hero has A 5
2 folds, Hero raises to €2.10, fold, BB calls €1.10

Flop: (€4.70, 2 players) 4 Q 3
BB checks, Hero bets €1.65, BB calls €1.65

Turn: (€8.00, 2 players) 2
BB checks, Hero bets €4.00, BB calls €4.00

River: (€16.00, 2 players) 9
BB checks, Hero bets €113.99 and is all-in

Do you think these kind of lines are working in practice or I'm just a GTO nerd?

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14 January 2025 at 08:43 PM

4 Replies

1/2- pot is optimal OTT? In practise I think this overperforms. Like people have to raise straights vs this sizing OTT and river jam probably overcalled but idk if that's true cause he's also reasonably wide still. I think jam is clearly optimal if he has to always raise straights OTT but tbh vs this size and this deep I think it makes some sense for him to call some and develop a donk range on a bunch if rivers

Edit: Not sure this actually gets overcalls. He has to defend like 12% right. All your bluffs will be 0EV check-downs. Still maximises EV if not getting significantly overfolded though and it's not like you really have to protect your smaller sizes at these stakes

by SchrodingersBluff k

1/2- pot is optimal OTT? In practise I think this overperforms. Like people have to raise straights vs this sizing OTT and river jam probably overcalled but idk if that's true cause he's also reasonably wide still. I think jam is clearly optimal if he has to always raise straights OTT but tbh vs this size and this deep I think it makes some sense for him to call some and develop a donk range on a bunch if rivers

Edit: Not sure this actually gets overcalls. He has to defend like 12% right. All you

Yeah you should have multiple sizes here in theory

I thought in game that the small bet region % (75% or less) would be higher since the 2 is way better for the BB than for us

I ran this hand through some predictive models I've been working on that predicts player ranges and actions.

Surprisingly, it looks like this jam on the river could actually be a marginally profitable bluff which is crazy lol.

In order to be profitable with a bluff here, you would need them to fold river 87.73% of the time and my model predicts that villain will fold 88.71% of the time.

So this is a very marginal spot though and could easily go either way depending on whether you have any reads on villain.

When they do call your jam here, this is their top 5 predicted hand combos:

Q9: 16.5%
KQ: 5.5%
QJ: 4.9%
99: 3.5%
QT: 3.3%

They only have 5% straights when they call when considering your blockers and there are lots of hero calls with a single pair 42% of the time.

However, what if you chose a smaller size? For example, I re-ran the hand through my models and instead used a 16bb bet on the river.

Villain should be folding 50% of the time in GTO, but my model predicts villain will actually fold 65% of the time!

So if you had a trash hand that always loses showdown, it would be fairly profitable to bet 16bb but it would be roughly break-even if you jammed 113bb.

So because villain is overfolding significantly to smaller bets but is folding roughly correctly to the jam, then I think a jam is the most profitable play here against population without any reads 😀

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Not sure this is good when BB can have all 65o, 65s, A5o, A5s preflop, and the only worse hand you might get called by is 99.
