changing preflop raises.

changing preflop raises.

Hello everybody,

I am new here so bare with me. i have been playing for about 2 years and i am winning. (over 500k hands) ive done everything on my own so far tho and i would love to talk some strategy with other people. being a lone wolf is lonely and with some things u just HAVE to ask other people for their opinion or some help. i have no idea if anyone will even awnser to this but it is worth a shot so here we go.

i have this style where i open all the suited connectors pure from every position. and also all pocket pairs. i pretty much never fold any of these to a 3 bet unless the opp is insanely tight but even then i like to call to crack their aces. now if u look on gtowizzard it tells u to open K5, k6 k7 suited, qj off ,kj off. but i dont open these. i open k10 suited and up, i skip the kj qj off but i do open a10 offsuit (because of the bbj).

now if u think about this i am probably opening at the same frequenty the solver does i just use different hands because i love pp and suited connectors. But then if u get 3-bet, stuff changes. cuz in solverland u are supposed to fold like k6 suited, qj off etc. and ALWAYS call all lower pp and suited connectors. BUT: the solver doesnt open those at full frequenty so i probably end up over calling to 3 bets? especially in nitty 50nl rush and cash pool on ggpoker.

I have never really used solvers i am just starting to learn from them. So my question is now. Should i change this style? or should i just keep doing what im doing given the fact that i am winning.
am i costing myself ev? or do i just have a style that works very well against this pool? given the fact that they dont bluff enough so if u hit a pair its pretty easy to get to showdown.
does anyone have an awnser to this? thank u all very much in advance.

wish u all the best and good luck at the tables,

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19 January 2025 at 02:14 PM

3 Replies

Hi and welcome.

Why don't you filter for the times you have opened these hands from UTG and HJ and see if you're making a profit? After 500k hands you should have a decent answer. You can filter seperately for single raised pots as well as spots where you called a 3-bet.

My guess for 50nl Rush n cash (which I also play): Opening all pps and SCs (say 65s+) pure from UTG and HJ is mostly profitable if you're decent postflop. Villains under 3-bet and overfold. When called most pots will be heads-up and villains also over fold to cbets etc. etc.

However, I would also guess that calling 3-bets vs. almost everyone is probably not profitable. Very villain dependant though, and you have basic stats on villains most of the time so use those instead of taking the same action against all villains.

Theory doesn't really matter here imo. It should be irrelevant whether you have "too many" pps in your range after you call a 3-bet. What matters is wether you are actually making money with the way you play.

I guess you're just subbing 0 to low EV hands for other 0 to low EV hands so it won't matter much if your frequencies are solid and you aren't playing Uri Peleg

At least part of the reason gto loves K6s etc is because they block 3bs and are thus theoretically more likely to sneak through. So you're probably more likely to face pressure with all those SCs than you would sticking to gtow

thank you for this reply brother that really helps,
sorry for my late reply i had some stuff going on in my personal life but im back to poker now
good luck on ur grind!
