BB losing too much, how to find leaks, what stats should I look into

BB losing too much, how to find leaks, what stats should I look into


I am at -61BB/100, EV -52BB/100 at my Big blind play in 11k bigblind hands sample. (mixed 25NL and 50NL)
I know I losing a lot in this position.
Can anyone help me teach me what to look at in PT4 or DH2? How do I find the leaks in my big blind play?

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25 January 2025 at 01:35 PM

22 Replies

While that is a high loss rate for BB, is your sample 11k hands total or 11k hands for the BB specifically? In either scenario it could be variance, but in the latter of the two it would be more indicative of you having leaks for that position.

It's usually a function of you not defending enough preflop and postflop. I'd recommend you start by identifying the following things:

BB vs SB fold
BB vs SB call
BB vs SB 3B

BB vs BT fold (as a function of RFI sizings, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0)
BB vs BT call
BB vs BT 3B

Run filter for BB vs SB SRP node and take a look at fold to CB frequency for F/T/R

Run filter for BB vs BT SRP node and take a look at fold to CB frequency for F/T/R

For the above filter check what your flop x/r frequency is also

Thanks for your reply

it is 11k hands for big blind only.

BB vs SB fold 58.4
BB vs SB call 34.4
BB vs SB 3B 7.3

BB vs Btn fold 62.8
BB vs Btn 3B 6.9

Can you teach me how to run filter node?

What software are you using?

BB v SB fold of 58.4 is quite high (common leak)

BB 3b v SB of 7.3 is very low (also common leak, but this is lower than I'd typically see for most DB analysis microstakes players)

BB defense vs BTN is big function of RFI sizing, but if the average sizing your facing is around a 2.5 then your overall defense is not awful. The 3B % is low, though.

i use pt4 and dh2

thanks i will fix the 3b.

lots of time sb they raise 4bb. so i fold more in general.

the open size at btn is 3bb not 2.5bb mostly.

Where are you playing where the average player is opening 4bb in SB? Is there antes?

I am playing ignition. 3.9bb. no antes

The average opening size from SB on ignition is not 4bb unless something recently has changed drastically.

I think you are right, average should be 3bb.

I could not find how to do:

Run filter for BB vs SB SRP node and take a look at fold to CB frequency for F/T/R

Run filter for BB vs BT SRP node and take a look at fold to CB frequency for F/T/R

For the above filter check what your flop x/r frequency is also

You would add a few filters...

1. Hero is BB: you could do this as you posted the BB or that you are in the position of BB

2. Villain is BTN: you select this as preflop raiser is in position 0

3. SRP = maximum preflop raise = 2Bet

You could also add in a filter that only two people went to the flop and one was hero, etc.

I've created a google drive folder with some of my quick filters. You can download the folder and then import the quick filters in PT4 by doing the following:

1. Go to

2. Download the folder

3. Unzip to your desktop or whichever location you prefer

4. Open PT4

5. Click "more filters" on the left side of PT4 under the "View Stats" section (top left)

6. Click "Cancel" (top middle)

7. Click "Edit Quick Filters" (bottom right)

8. Click "Import"

9. Navigate to the folder you downloaded for the PT4 Quick Filters

10. Select whichever quick filter you want

Thank you so much.

BB vs Btn SRP fold to CB F/T/R and XR flop are : 50.2 43.3 43.8 6.5

BB vs SB SRP fold to CB F/T/R and XR flop are : 40 34 20 0,yes its 0

You can't XR when you're in position, so that makes sense.

Fold to F cbet otf for both nodes are high and turn/river is low actually. I'd be more concerned about how you're playing preflop before evaluating post flop statistics first.

you are saying that i have big leaks in preflop play not only in bb right? what stats i should look into for preflop play?

by macaufish k

you are saying that i have big leaks in preflop play not only in bb right? what stats i should look into for preflop play?

by Brokenstars k

BB vs SB fold
BB vs SB call
BB vs SB 3B

BB vs BT fold (as a function of RFI sizings, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0)
BB vs BT call
BB vs BT 3B

The BB vs BT fold/call/3b frequencies as a function of RFI sizing would be useful.

2.0-2.49 size F/C/3b 61/30/8 416-hands

2.5-2.99 size 61/32/7 354-hands

3.0 size 63/29/7 646-hands

3.01-4.0 size 81/16/4 83-hands

Thanks for your filter helped me

by macaufish k

2.0-2.49 size F/C/3b 61/30/8 416-hands

2.5-2.99 size 61/32/7 354-hands

3.0 size 63/29/7 646-hands

3.01-4.0 size 81/16/4 83-hands

Thanks for your filter helped me

So you can easily see your Call/Fold/3B stats vs. BTN RFI does not change basically at all based on the RFI sizing. That is a very big leak and a big contribution as to why you might be losing so much from the BB.

Fix that + the BB vs SB preflop leaks and then start evaluating your BB defense as a function of the other positions + RFI sizing first and it should immediately increase your BB winrate quite a bit.

Thanks a lot.

Correct me if I am wrong, I should defend less when size bigger, defend more when size smaller. but we 3bet stay same vs different size?

by macaufish k

Thanks a lot.

Correct me if I am wrong, I should defend less when size bigger, defend more when size smaller. but we 3bet stay same vs different size?

3bet % does change vs. different RFI, but I would not focus on that right now, just focus on overall defense frequency.

by macaufish k

i use pt4 and dh2

thanks i will fix the 3b.

lots of time sb they raise 4bb. so i fold more in general.

the open size at btn is 3bb not 2.5bb mostly.

Use the entire range report in DH2. You can break down SB/BB play really quickly and simply. It's designed specifically for this. There's pull down menus you can put the preflop action, flop texture, flop action, etc... I'd take a look at different textures to see if one stands out, and also your donk and checked ranges.

The best option here is also you can look at your WTSD hands versus hands that didn't see the turn. Check your agg% levels in RFI pots out of the SB to start with. And in the BB I'd look at no preflop action and hands where you saw that flop, and then break it down by different textures.

I'm actually in the process of building a new default R&D report for SB/BB blind, so I can post that when it's done and you can import it.

by Brokenstars k

3bet % does change vs. different RFI, but I would not focus on that right now, just focus on overall defense frequency.

Thank you Brokenstars for all the help. Summary I should 3bet more in BB vs SB/BTN. call more in BB vs SB/BTN in general. call even more when they open smaller size. I will start doing that.

by FreakDaddy k

Use the entire range report in DH2. You can break down SB/BB play really quickly and simply. It's designed specifically for this. There's pull down menus you can put the preflop action, flop texture, flop action, etc... I'd take a look at different textures to see if one stands out, and also your donk and checked ranges.

The best option here is also you can look at your WTSD hands versus hands that didn't see the turn. Check your agg% levels in RFI pots out of the SB to start with. And in the BB

Thanks for you reply and help
For the entire range report I find out it show all the hands not only hero, how do I see hero only?
I dont understand "your WTSD hands versus hands that didn't see the turn" what you want me to look at I mean like to compare, you mean compare hands to hands? what is that mean?

2bb raise preflop by others



Whats a good rate there? Im not even sure

My first guess is calling too light v btn opens
