How to adjust for pre when there is limper and Cold caller.
Hi all
I had some pre flop problems 6max if anyone can give me some advices.
1. when the guy seat right to you playing 60/10. How are we playing BB ranges? like Btn open, he called, what hand we 3b or call or fold here compare vs BTN open only?
2. When table have 2-4 player are Limpcall short stacks 25bb-35bb ranges. limp all the way to you, when you at BB or SB. what hands you raise and how many BB we raise here?
I have no idea what to do here when they never fold pre with short stacks and I miss flop with no draws. pot size left on the flop. I raise to 8bb or 7bb hands. then one player called with 30bb start. so almost pot size left for him. for example. K23, I had AQ, AJ what should I do? are we just giving up if we do not hit anything at all? are we shoving all the pairs ?
And playing at this kind of table, when player just do not fold pre, they love to limp call, when we OOP (BB, SB). I wanna ask in those situations, what do I expect here againt them?
3 Replies
Hi all
1. when the guy seat right to you playing 60/10. How are we playing BB ranges? like Btn open, he called, what hand we 3b or call or fold here compare vs BTN open only?
You are are BB and the player next to you cold call, they are then SB. You could start with GTOwizard free charts for this situation. Of course those charts are not adapted to what happens exactly in your case, as in your case SB is a fish while in GTOw charts they consider SB has a proper flatting range (very hard to implement in real, most player just play 3bet or fold from this position).
2. When table have 2-4 player are Limpcall short stacks 25bb-35bb ranges. limp all the way to you, when you at BB or SB. what hands you raise and how many BB we raise here?
I have no idea what to do here when they never fold pre with short stacks and I miss flop with no draws. pot size left on the flop. I raise to 8bb or 7bb hands. then one player called with 30bb start. so almost pot size left for him. for example. K23, I had AQ, AJ what should I do? are we just giving up if we do
K23 is unlikely to hit a limp/caller range, my default strategy would be to bet small my whole range here. Then on the turn / river it depends on the player and the cards...
GTOwizard range for BTN open / SB flat
Note how some hands you would always play vs BTN open / SB fold like JT offsuit, A8o, A5o, K9o... becomes pure fold because their equity vs 2 opponents is very poor. Also some suited broadways are frequent squeezes (QTs, Q9s, etc...) while we were cold calling them more often vs BTN open / SB fold.

GTOwizard range for BTN open / SB flat
Note how some hands you would always play vs BTN open / SB fold like JT offsuit, A8o, A5o, K9o... becomes pure fold because their equity vs 2 opponents is very poor. Also some suited broadways are frequent squeezes (QTs, Q9s, etc...) while we were cold calling them more often vs BTN open / SB fold.
Thanks for your help. GTO actully using smaller 3b size when SB flat. Good to know.
I always 3b to like 14-15bb with stronger range. lots of the hands I would just call.
Not sure how I am going to play post when btn and sb call pre 3b, and pot getting so big on the flop.