AT plat on the turn
PokerStars - $0.05 Ante $0.01 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 235.4 BB
Hero (BTN): 100 BB
SB: 86.4 BB
BB: 116.4 BB
UTG: 186.8 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB, 5 players post ante of 0.2 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.4 BB) Hero has A♦ T♦
UTG raises to 2 BB, fold, Hero calls 2 BB, fold, BB calls 1 BB
Flop: (7.4 BB, 3 players) A♠ Q♠ 5♦
BB checks, UTG bets 7 BB, Hero calls 7 BB, fold
Turn: (21.4 BB, 2 players) 6♥
UTG bets 20.4 BB, Hero ???
Should I just fold here?
Do you see villian betting with a flush draw?
What is the play on the river if we call turn?
4 Replies
UTG pots flop into 2 opponents, doesn't seem too concerned by the fact you called him and pots turn again. It does not look good. Yes it could be a flush draw, but a. they open UTG and a lot of their flush draw should contain As or Qs which are on the board b. it requires some courage to bet 20 BB on the turn with 9sTs. Some combo draws could do that (8s7s, 5s4s, KsTs, KsJs...).
Your hand can't really improve to the nuts, their turn bet is expensive, you have no reads (?). If they bet for value their hand is better than yours, some bluffs have good equity and population underbluff. It seems likely we will face a shove on the river.
Fold turn. This is likely a betsize = hand strength spot. Multiway pots are under bluffed, as is this size and UTG configuration.
Fold turn.
yea agree fold turn sizing tell (90-99% looks like made up scroll size) and the fact that it is multiway + the fact that he is utg so his range is tight all factors that indicates him more likley to be under then overbluffing. Also you block heavy his natural bluffs like KT JT etc.
Maybe this way of thinking helps you.
Humans are not balanced so you need to decide either he is going to be to much to the left or right (over under bluff , call to much fold to much etc.)
Then you look at the information that you have to make your decision + thinking of how close would be your hand in theoritcal optimal enviroment ( this takes of course time and effort to build up but you will build it up with consistent study with solvers for your fundament)
Information that we have is:
- multiway
- sizing
- timings
- stats etc.
- his intuitive bluffs / value
- and our hand and there blockers so i can say i block bluffs or unblock bluffs etc
After considering this information you could come then to the conclusion:
- He bets multiway = stronger then heads up so relative value of ATo here goes down compared to when he just bets headsup vs you
- He use weird scroll sizing = strong in generall so less likeley he bluffs with this size and you can think of wich hands he can have for value like here AK+
- His stats we dont have
- His timing i dont know but if he snap bets in generall you can discount very unintuive bluffs and thin value like AJ also it is important if the turn changes somehting for example straight get
there and he snap bet or a brick gets there and snap very different scenarios where timings can tell you some different things or are less/ more important
- His intuitve bluffs like here KT JT and flushdraws (that are often gutshot + straightdraws) based on his range construction (when making the range assumption consider all the factors above)
you can then think if you have the equity to call.
It is totaly normal to be unsure about the handstrenght relative to a certain situation this are the spots that you just need to review and look up for yourself in a solver or put the situation into equilab also great and simple.
I think more value from posting here is getting different assumptions on the construction on villains range and wich factors other players consider when making the assumption rather then the action that should be taken it does not help you if i say thats a fold you need to assume ranges and think about your range and think about different factors etc. and see it for yourself and play around with ranges and see when does your hand become a call fold etc.