Preflop Sizing in Straddled game (WPT 0.02/0.05/0.1)

Preflop Sizing in Straddled game (WPT 0.02/0.05/0.1)

I always buy-in for 200BB and treat the straddle as the third blind. Here is my general preflop sizing strategy:

- RFI: 6BB
- RFI from SB: 7BB

- 3-bet: 3x IP, 4x OOP
+from IP: go bigger than 3x vs small open sizes to prevent opponents from having a good price to see the flop: 4BB=>13BB, 4.4BB=>14BB. BTN can raise to 15BB vs UTG+1’s 4BB open to leverage positional advantage
+from OOP: same principle applies: go bigger than 4x vs small open sizes. raise even bigger from the BB to reflect a polarized range. SB can make it to 20 or 22BB against BTN’s 5BB open

- Squeeze:
+from IP: go really big. Raise to at least 5x against one open and one flat and even bigger against one open and 2 flats from the BTN
+from OOP: go even bigger. Against one open and one flat, raise to at least 6x from the straddle

-4-bet: not too big in order to make room for post-flop playability.
+from OOP: 2.7x. This sizing generates enough FE while still allows Hero to play for stacks with value hands
+from IP: 2.3x-2.35x

-Isolate vs limpers:
- vs 1 limper: 4x (make adjustment for stack depth). Hero can go big exploit Villains with high VPIP
- vs multiple limpers: 4x + add 1BB for each limper

Any improvements can be made?

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12 February 2025 at 11:15 AM